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Lecture 1 :Introduction to Research and


BE 771 / ACC 751 , SEM 2,2020

Learning Objectives;
By the end of this presentation you will able to:

1. Define and explain the concept of scientific research, deduction and

induction reasoning , theory, hypothesis and empiricism.

2. Clarify the Sources of knowledge/truth.

3. Identify and explain the features and application of different categories and
sub- categories of research methods.
What is research?
Business Research
Some commonly research areas in Business
Why do we conduct research?

We undertake research when we wish to:

• investigate an idea,
• look into an issue,
• solve a problem,
• make an argument in relation to what others have
Why do we conduct research?

• To provide new knowledge,

• To unfold some hidden truth,
• To contribute to the body of literature,
• To support innovation and creativity,
• To lead decision makers on how to formulate strategies and polices to make
laws and regulations,
• Think tank for the government
In business why do we conduct research?
• To provide a solution to a problem,
• To find out the best alternate option in doing business,
• To ascertain the level of satisfaction/dissatisfaction people have on our
• To inform decision makers of the truth of matters before deciding on a
• Eliminate waste and improve productivity
• Expand business investments, new market, new product, new geographical
John F Kennedy (1961) vision :

• Kennedy stood before congress on May 25, 1961 and proposed

that US should commit itself to achieving the goal , before this
decade is out, of land a man on the moon and returning him safely
to the earth”.

• Invest in research and technology to achieve a vision

Researchers require many life skills such 

• personal time management, stress management, time consuming, investments

• enlisting others to work with you,
• organizational skills to assemble data and arrange it for easy retrieval
fascination with detail during the phase of immersion in data curiosity and
creativity to notice the meaning and patterns that emerge from it
Definition of Research

Research is the systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled

observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, principles,
or theories, resulting in prediction and possible control of events .
Definition of Research

“Research is a scientific way of answering

questions and testing hypothesis” Borland Jr, K.
W. (2001).
Definition of Scientific Research

Scientific research may be defined as systematic controlled, empirical , and

critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed
relationships among observed phenomena.

Systematic, Controlled, Empirical, Critical investigation, Hypothetical
propositions, Presumed Relationships, observed phenomena
Approaches to knowledges

• Authority,
• Custom and tradition,
• Personal experience,
• Deductive Reasoning, Inductive reasoning
• Scientific inquiry
What is a theory?

Theory is a model or framework for observation and understanding ,

which shapes both what we see and how we see it. Theory allows the
researcher to make links between the abstract and the concrete: the
theoretical and the empirical, thought statements and observational
statements etc.
Theory is a generalized statement that asserts a connection between
two or more types of phenomena –any generalized explanatory principle.
Theory is a system of inter connected abstractions or ideas that
condense and organizes knowledge about the world.
Theory explains and predicts the relationship between variables.

A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or

phenomena. Most theories that are repeated by scientists have been

repeatedly tested by experiments and can be used to make predictions about

natural phenomena ( McMurray & Foster (1955)

Theory guides research and organize its ideas. The analogy of bricks lying around

haphazardly in the brickyards: “facts” of different shapes and sizes have no meaning unless

they are different shapes and sizes have no meaning unless they are drawn together in a

theoretical or conceptual framework.

Theory becomes stronger as more supporting evidence is gathered, and it provides a context
for predictions.

Theory has the capacity to generate new research

Theory is empirically relevant and always tentative

Theoretical Frame work

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or

support a theory of a research study. The theoretical framework
introduces and describes the theory that explain why the research
problem under study exists.
Conceptual framework

Conceptual framework is basically based on how the variables

are used in your study. The theoretical framework is based on

theories where as Conceptual framework driven by data driven

Some important tools

A proposition made as basis for reasoning , with out any

assumption of its truth. “there is a hypothesis that every event has

a cause”
Hypothesis testing
Deductive Reasoning

• Based on logit
• Thinking proceeds from general assumption to specific application

General Specific
Inductive Reasoning

• Conclusions about events (general) are based on information generated

through many individual and direct observations (specific).

Inductive Reasoning

• Researchers observe an individual or group of individuals from a larger population 

based on these observations, generalizations are made back to the larger population
• Two kinds of induction ;
• Perfect –
Conclusions based on observations made from ALL members of a group or population
• Imperfect –
Conclusions based on observations made from a random sample of members of a population
Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning

Deduction – Every mammal has lungs All rabbits are mammals. Therefore
every rabbit has lungs.

Inductive – Every rabbit that has been observed has lungs. Therefore, every
rabbit has lungs.
Logical Steps of Scientific Method

Systematic; cyclic; series of logical steps.

 – Identifying the problem,
– Formulating a hypothesis,
– Developing the research plan,
– Collecting and analyzing the data,
 – Interpreting results and forming conclusions
Theory vs Hypothesis
• Hypothesis
• A belief or prediction of the final outcome of the research
• A concrete , specification statement about the relationships between phenomena
• Based on deductive reasoning

• Theory
• A belief or assumption about how things relate to each other
• A theory establishes a cause and effect relationship between variables with a purpose of explaining and
predicting phenomena based on inductive reasoning

• Concepts
• Derived from data , variables , observations
• Tested over and over then they became theories
Two approaches to the research methodologies

• Empirical study
• Acquiring information and facts through the observation of our world and testing for
• Descriptive/ explanatory or observational study
• Pragmatic observations
• Developing theory through experience and observation
• Dealing with more practical than theoretical aspect of study
Task one : Due on the 21st October 2020

• Select a topic : Write 2 page journal on how you apply inductive or deductive
research concept in your topic.
• Use APA referencing style in your paper
• A Practical Guide for Health Researchers ( Pdf file 235 page , Comprehensive text, from WHO)-
Mahmoud F. Fathalla . 3- RESEARCH
• Borland Jr, K. W. (2001). Qualitative and quantitative research: A complementary balance. New
directions for institutional research, 2001(112), 5-13.
• Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper ( Web site from University of Southern
California USA) The purpose of this guide is to provide advice on how to develop and organize a
research paper in the social sciences

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