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The Blueprint of Life

Science 10
February 5, 2021
Michele V. Marzan, LPT
DNA stands for...

      DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

• Double helix shape
• codes for your genes  (traits)
• made of repeating subunits called nucleotides
What is a nucleotide?
Has three parts:   

There are 4 nitrogenous bases:
Pyrimidines: Cytosine and Thymine
Purines : Guanine and Adenine
Base-Pair Rule
Adenine <==> Thymine

Guanine <==> Cytosine

The sides of the DNA

ladder are phosphate
& sugar

held together by 

hydrogen bonds
How the Code Works
The combination of A,T,G,C determines what
traits you might have.

For example:

C A T C A T   =  purple hair

T A C T A C  =  yellow hair
Think of the bases of DNA like letters.

Letters form words....

Words form sentences....

DNA Replication
• DNA is copied through a process called replication. During
replication, the DNA molecule separates into two strands, then
produces two new strands.
• The principal enzyme involved in replication is DNA
polymerase. It “proofreads” each new DNA strand to make sure
that each new copy is identical to the original.
• The process by which DNA makes a copy of
itself (cell division)

SEMI-CONSERVATIVE - half of the old strand is saved

• A permanent change in the DNA
• An alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the
genome of an organism
• This becomes the main cause of diversity among
• Mutations are changes in the genetic material
– They can be beneficial, deleterious, or have no effect
• There are two main types of mutations:
– Gene mutations
– Chromosomal mutations
Gene Mutations
• Point mutations: involve changes in one or a
few nucleotides; there are three main types:
– Substitutions: one base is substituted with another
– Insertions: an additional base is inserted into the
nucleotide sequence
– Deletions: a base is removed from the nucleotide
Gene Mutations

Insertions and deletions are

called frameshift mutations
because they shift the letters of
the genetic message. Change
the code  different amino
acids  useless proteins 
major problems!
Chromosomal Mutations
• Chromosomal mutations involve changes in the
structure or number (e.g. trisomy) of chromosomes.
• There are four main types:
– Deletion: loss of all or part of a chromosome
– Duplication: extra copies produced
– Inversion: reverse the direction of parts of
– Translocation: part of one chromosome breaks off and
attaches to another
Chromosomal Mutations

Mutations 101 (7:20)

Let's Review What We Know About DNA
1.  DNA stands for:   De _____ ribo ______  acid
2.  What is the shape of DNA? _______________
3.  Who established the structure of DNA?  ____________
4.  Adenine always pairs with _______________
5.  The sides of the DNA ladder are deoxyribose and _____
6.  Guanine always pairs with _____________
7.  What is the complimentary sequence:   A A T  G  C A
8.  The two sides of DNA are held together by _______
9.  DNA is composed of repeating subunits called
10.  What are the 4 bases that make up the rungs of the DNA
ladder? _______________________________________

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