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CELL'S BIOLOGY 2020/2021
Students should be able to :

 explain toles of signal sorting and

their series

 Molecule transport to organells

 Eucaryotic cell's compartment
1. Eucaryotic cell's compartment
Eucaryptic Intracellular compartment

Main organelles: RE, golgi apparatus,

nucleus, mitokondria, lisosom, endosom,

The plant's cells contain: plastid e.g.


Each organelle has a set of protein to allow

the organelle has a specific funtion
Sitosol :
 To make more than half volume of the total
 In form of liquid in a cytoplasm
 The place of synthesis and protein
 Most of the metabolism of intermediate cell
takes place here, e.g.: degradation of small
size molecules and synthesise of small
mecules to make macromolecules
Has 2 layers membrane and a spce in
between called as perinuclear which
connected dirrectly to cycternae of RE
The outer layer connected directly to
ribosome and RE
Has a pori nuclear complex
Inside there is nucleolus nd matrixes
Containig most of genes
Retikulum endoplasma rough endoplasmic reticulum


0.5 micrometers
smooth endoplasmic reticulum

vesicles 0.5 micrometers

Retikulum endoplasma (RE)
 Rough RE has many ribosome bind to the
surface at the edge of cytosol .
 These ribosomes synthesise liquid protein and
so integral membrane protein .
 The synthesised proteins then used to outer
secretion or other organelles .
 RE is also important in producing lipids and
place to store Ca+.ions.
 Area of RE which does not have ribosome is
called smooth RE
Rough RE
 Place for protein synthesise
 Stockl pile of flatenned bag called as–
 Protein is processed and folded in interior then
acculmulated in a bag

Smooth RE
 To produce phospholipids and cholesterol
 Enzymes of smooth ER in a liver cells helps the
process pf detoxification of drugs and alcohol
Kompleks Golgi
from ER

Golgi complex:

RE sends some of the protein produced to golgi

complex, which have some compartments called as
cisternae Golgi
The golgi complex receive lipid and proteins from RE
and sends them to other organelles by modifying
those proteins covalently .
 In most of the cells , the RE ties to different
organelles with outer membrane
 RE is also connected to mitochondrion, golgi complex
and cytoscleton

• Such an organelle with double layers membrane covering
liquid material called as matrixes
• The inner membrane contains ATP synthase enzyme which
is used to synthesise ATP by breaking high end molecules
like carbohydrate .
 Containing various types of enzymes including
enzyme for oxidation of piruvic acid n fatty
acids along citric acid cycles .
 Also DNA and mitochondrion ribosome (mitk).
Inner layer membrane
 Folded to form cristae .
 Containing specific proteins with particular
 oxidation during the reaction without electron
transport chain; to produce Energy:ATP
synthase; and passing the protein metabolies
from and to matrtix
Outer membra mitochondrion
 Containing lots of protein which form channel, it
has a permeable toward up to 5,000 Dalton
 Containing such enzymes for mitochondrion lipid
synthsise and switch lipid substrate to
metbolizeable form in inside matrix, enzymes for
importing receptors of mitochondrion protein,
enzymatic machinery for organelles fussion and
Intermembrane space
 The ATP released by the matrix will be used to
phosphorilating nucleotides

 Has a double layers which protect a space
including liquid inside and called as stroma. Here
there are some thylakoids. such a group of
thylakoids is called as grana.
 Thylakoids absorbs the sun light energy through
pigments called chlorophylls, the synthesise of
carbohydrate runs in the stroma
 Chloroplast has its own DNA
 Chloroplast is a development of plastids and
functions to store foods and pigments
Similarities and dissimilarities between
chloroplast and mithochondrion
Chloroplast used a chemical osmotic
mechanisms to convert energy as done in
The inner membrane which covers stroma is
analog with matrix in mitochondrion
Stroma, as well as mitochondrion matrix,
contains enzyme, ribosome, RNA and DNA
Inner membrane of chloroplast is unfolded &
does not contain electron transport chain,
since the electron transport chain locates in
thylakoids membranes
• small vesicles completed
with membrane
• contains hydrolitic enzyme
to digest macromolecules
(i.e. proteases, nucleases,
lipases, phosphatases, etc.)
• to degrade deadly intracellular organelles, including
macromolecules and other particles from out side
through endocytosis mechanisms, recycled components
to be used by the cell.
• Endocytiosis is a mechanism to tranport macromolecules
and such a small material to inside of the cell by
forming a new vesicles from cell's membrane
Figure 3.11
 small vesicular organelle containing various types of
enzyme which are important for oxidative reaction
 2 types of microbodies : Peroksisom an Glioksisom

The roles of microbodies :

1. In mammals: to oxidize the substrate
2. ß-Oksidasi Lipid acids on mammals
3. ß-Oksidasi Lipid acids on glioksisom and
seed's endosperm
 Basically, in each cell, each organele
runs similar basic function. But for a
specific function in different cells
those organelles may varied in
abundance and so having additional
different properties between one cell
to another
2. Transport of cell's
product (protein) to
 Synthesise of protein starts in ribosome on
cytosol, but some are synthesised in ribosome in
mitochondrion and plastids.
 The newly produced protein depends on its amino
acids content. The Protein may contain sorting
signal which directing the transport of protein to
such location outside the cytosol.
 Different proteins do not have sorting signal and
kept in the cytosol. Though some which have
sorting signal pass the protein to mucleus, ER,
mitochondrion, plastids or peroxisom
 Three main ways of transporting protein inside
the cell (from one compartment to another):
1. Gated transport
2. Transmembran transport
3. Vesicular transport
 Which way to be used depend on sorting signal
in the protein .
 The sorting signal wiill be caught by receptor
signal complement to one of those three
transport protein mechanisms .
1. Gated transport
Protein moves between cytosol and nucleus
through nuclear pori complex which function
as selective door to allow specific
macromolecules as well as group of
macromolecules to pass
Gated transport might also allow smaller size
molecules to diffused freely.
2.Transmembran transport

Translokator protein transmembrane

transporting specific protein through
cytosol membrane to particluar place with
dotally different typhology
initial step of protein from cytosol to ER
lumen or mitochondrion use this method
3.Vesicular transport

Circularvesicular transport brings proteins from

one compartment to another. This mechanisms
loaded by molecule from one lumen of particular
compartment and felease in different

for example: Liquid Protein transfer of the ER to

golgi bodies. Since the proteins do not pass
through membrane, the vesicular transport might
moves the proteins of those conpartment with
equivalent topology .
“Roadmap” protein
tqffics inside of the
cells. Protein might move
from one organelle to
another through gated
transport way,
transmembrane transport
way, or vesicular
transport ways. The
sorting signals leads the
protein movement b ased
on their amino acids .
The signal sequences lead protein transport to
a proper place .
Most of the protein sorting signal located in
their amino acids sequence .
Such a Protein which might be moved early to
ER will be marked at the N ends, which are 5-
10 hydroiphibic amino acids.
Many of them will be transported from ER to
golgi complex, but specific sequence with
amino acid sequence of C end will be kept
 Protein which will be moved to
mitochondrion have signal sequence in
form ofpositive amino acids which are
located “berselang seling” with
hydrophobic amino acids
 Protein which are pointed to peroxisome
has 3 aminoacids signals with C end
 Most of the recpetor knows the
particular type of protein
Different groups of signals has different colours
Red: positive charge amino acids; green: negative
charge and white hydrophobic, blue colour is
hydroxilated amino acids . +H3N: N-terminal of
protein ; COO–C-terminal of protein .
Good luck and thank you

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