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NIM :11219081

 Hard disk is one of the inseparable tools in today's computer systems. Starting from
personal computers to mainframe-class machines and super computers using hard disk
devices as data storage media. At its simplest level, a hard drive is no different from a
cassette on a tape. Both of them use magnetic recording techniques and take advantage of
the advantages of the recording media where the data stored in them can be changed or
deleted at any time.

 Hard disk function is very vital as a place to store all kinds of data, files, and virtual
documents such as .doc, .pdf, .mp3, and others. With the function of the hard drive in
storing these various files, it can be said that the hard drive is the life of a user on his
computer. When the hard disk is damaged and files that have been saved are lost, of
course, it causes various things that must be done by the user to be impossible.

 - Large capacity
 - Faster data reading.
 - Relatively durable
 - Safe enough storage

- The price is relatively expensive

- Prone to bad sectors
- The physical form is relatively large and heavy
- Electric motors that have a certain age limit, averaging 700,000 hours of use.
 - Easily damaged if exposed to physical impact.

 1. Stogare capacity
 In terms of storage capacity, WD is among the first hard drive manufacturers to provide
up to 2 TB of storage space through its product nicknamed Caviar Green. As for Seagate,
it was slow to launch a product with a similar capacity until the release of the Barracuda
 2. As internal storage
 storage capacity and data transfer speed of a hard drive has experienced a very significant
increase. Both brands have their respective advantages from these two sides, which are
always a consideration in deciding to buy a hard drive.

 3. As external storage
 When it comes to data backup and data mobilization between devices, an external hard
drive is an inevitable choice.
 Considerations for selecting products to meet these needs are usually based on factors of
security, storage capacity, and connectivity capabiliti.
 4. Portability of each product
 So for this section you just have to choose which design you think is "really you". But for
connectivity problems, Seagate is claimed to have better capabilities than WD, especially
with the support for FireWire 800 connectivity.
Thanks you

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