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Hello everyone!!

PART A of the Final Readings for
GE 7 as one of the
Coverages for the Final Exam

Principles of Arts

• The organization of the various elements of the visual arts is governed by the
different principles of design. Through these principles, the artist can form
more beautiful and interesting colour harmonious and more beautiful
combinations of shapes, texture and lines. 
• Historically, Heinrich Wölfflin (1864–1945), the principle of arts is a
revolutionary attempt to construct a science of art through the study of the
development of style. It has been a foundational work of formalist art history
since it was first published in 1915. At once systematic and subjective, and
remarkable for its compelling descriptions of works of art. The text has
endured as an accessible yet rigorous approach to the study of style. The
Principles of Art has been a fixture in the theoretical and methodological
debates of the discipline of art and has found a global audience.
1.BALANCE – elements are arranged to create a feeling of stability in work. It is the
principle of art concerned with arranging elements so no one part of a work overpowers,
or heavier than any other part. Balance principle is either seen or felt by the viewer.
Balance principle in arts has two kinds:

A. Formal balance is also known as symmetrical balance. It means two halves are
mirror image. It is achieved by arranging elements on either side of the center of a
composition in an equally weighted manner. It can be thought of as
50/50 balance or like a mirror image.
B. Informal balance is also known as asymmetrical balance. It means two unlike
elements seem to carry equal weight. When one side of a composition does not
reflect the design of the other.
2. VARIETY is a principle of design concerned with diversity or. Contrast. Variety is achieved by
using different shapes, sizes, and/or colours in a work of art. Movement A principle of design used
to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewer's eye throughout the work of art.

3.Harmony is a principle of
arts that shows the quality of
how the visual elements are
working together in a
composition. It is achieved
when all elements have unity
and cohesion, giving a sense of
completion to an artwork.
4.Emphasis is a principle of arts defined as an area or object within the artwork that
draws attention and becomes a focal point. Subordination is defined as minimizing or
toning down other compositional elements in order to bring attention to the focal point.
Proportion and Rhythm
5. Proportion is a principle of art concerned with the 6.RHYTHM is a principle of art that suggests movement or
relationship of one part to another and to the whole. action. Rhythm is usually achieved through repetition of
It refers to the relative size and scale of the various lines, shapes, colours, and more. Rhythm is a little of both
elements in a design. The issue is the relationship between pattern and repetition, yet the rhythm can vary. The slight
objects, or parts, of a whole. In art the size relationship differences in a pattern create rhythm and the repetition of
between an object and the human body is significant. In elements of art. The rhythm of a piece of art can be
experiencing the scale of an artwork we tend to compare its controlled by everything from colour and value to line and
size to the size of our own bodies. Proportion refers to the shape.
relative size of parts of a whole (elements within an object).
7.UNITY in art (also called harmony)
is an important principle of design
that gives the artwork a sense of
cohesion or coherence.
It is the wholeness or completeness
of a picture. Unity and harmony in art
 are used by artists to tie a composition
together and help the composition
make sense as a whole piece of art.
is a principle of art
 that refers to the
difference between
two things to create
interest and tension.

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