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Group 3

1. Berliana Fitri (1305620006)

2. Febrina Nur Istiqomah
3. Nimas Ayu (1305617026)
What is set???

Set is a collection of well-defined objects.

• So, in other words a set is a collection of
• These objects are called elements or
members of the set.
  4 is an element of A or 4A

A set uses curly brackets

A set is denoted by
capital letter A = {2, 4, 6}

n (A) = lAl= 3

The number of elements

or cardinality in Set A is 3
Set Notation
Symbol Meaning
{} Set: a collection of elements
A B Union:
Union: in
in A
A or
or B
B (or
(or both)
AB Intersection: in both A and B
Intersection: in both A and B
AB Subset: every element of A is in B
Subset: every element of A is in B
AB Proper subset: every element of A is in B
AB Proper subset:Aevery
Not a subset: is notelement
a subsetofofABis in B
AB Not a subset:
Superset: A is
A has not aelements
same subset ofasBB, or
Superset: A has same elements as B, or
AB more
Proper superset: A has B’s elements and
Proper superset: A has B’s elements and
AB Not
morea superset: A is not a superset of B
Complement: elements not in A
Not a superset: A is not a superset of B
A-B Difference: in A but not in B
Complement: elements not in A
bA Element of: b is in A
A-B Difference: in A but not in B
Element of: b is in A
bA Not element of: b is not in A
Empty set:
set: {{ }}
Universal set:
set: setset of
of all
all possible
possible values
P (A) Power set: all subsets of A
P (A) Power set: all subsets of A
A=B Equality: both sets have the same
A=B Equality:
membersboth sets have the same
AxB Cartesian product (set of ordered pairs
AxB from A andproduct
Cartesian B) (set of ordered pairs
lAl from A and B)
Cardinality: the number of elements of
set A
lAl Cardinality: the number of elements of
l Such
set A that
: Such that
l Such that
For all
: Such that
There exist
For all
There exist
Sets Representation
There are 2 ways to represent sets:
1. Roster or Tabular Method
The method describes the set by listing all elements
of the set, separated by commas and enclosed in
A = {a, b, c, …, x, y, z}
This is the set of all lowercase letters of English
2. Rule Method or Set-Builed Notation
The method describes the set by enclosing a
descriptive phrase of the elements in braces.

B = {x l x is an even number more than 15}
Types of Set
•1.   Empty Set
A set which doesn’t contain any element is
called the empty set or null set, denoted by
symbol or { }.
Let R = {x l 1<x<2, x is a natural number}
Then R = { }
2. Finite and Infinite Set
A finite set is a set whose elements can be
counted. Otherwise, an infinite set is a set
whose can’t be counted.
• A = {1, 3, 5, 7} finite set
• B = {1, 2, 3, …, 10} finite set
• C = {x l x is an integer} infinite set
• D = {1, 2, 3, …} infinite set
3. Universal Set
Universal set is a set that contains all the
elements and denoted by U.
A = {x l x is a student of Class 2 A}
B = {x l x is a student of Class 2 B}
U = {x l x is a student of Class 2}
4. Equal Set

Two sets A and B are said to be equal if they have

exactly the same elements, and can be written A=B.
Otherwise, the sets are said to be unequal if they
have the different elements, and can be written AB.
Let A = {a, b, c, d} and B = {b, c, a, d}
Then A=B
5. Subset

Set A is a subset of set B, if and only if,

every element in A is also an element in
B, can be written AB.

A = {2, 3}
B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
Then AB
6. Power Set
The set of all the subsets of a set.
Formula :

A = {a, b, c}
P (A) = {{ }, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a , b, c}}
n (A) = 3
P (A) = = = 8
7. Equivalent Set
Equivalent sets have different elements but have
the same number of elements.
A = {1, 2, 3} lAl = 3
B = {a, b, c} lBl = 3
Then A B
Special Set
Represent the set of integers.
: is the set of positive integers
: is the set of negative integers

Represent the set of natural numbers

Represent the set of natural numbers
Represent the set of real numbers
Represent the
the set
set of
of real numbers
rational numbers
Represent the set of rational numbers
Venn Diagram
A Venn diagram represents each set by a circle,
usually drawn inside of a containing box
representing the universal set. Overlapping
areas indicate elements common to both sets.
• A ⋃ B

A ⋃ B contains all elements in either set.

• A ⋂ B

A ⋂ B contains only those elements in

both sets—in the overlap of the circles.
• Ac ⋂ B
Ac will contain all elements not in the
set A. Ac ⋂ B will contain the elements in
set B that are not in set A.
  A’ U (B
2. (B U C)’ U A =
3. (A U B)’ U C=
4. (A U C) B=
5. C’ (A B)’ =

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