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Department Of Electrical &

Electronics Engineering

Chemical S
EEE2 02
DA olution
Submitted By:
Sheikh Mohammad Al-amin Md Khalid Hasan Nahid
Roll: 005 ID: 202001005 Roll: 012 ID: 202001012
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE

Jubayer Al Rafee
Pizus Chandra Shil
Roll: 016 ID: 202001016
Roll: 003 ID: 202001003
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE

MD. Sumon Hossain

Roll: 004  ID: 202001004
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
Submitted to:
Md. Shakil Ahmed
Dept. of Textile
Jubayer Al Rafee
Roll: 016 ID: 202001016
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
Definition of Solution
A solution is a homogeneous
mixture composed of two or
more substance. In such a
mixture a solute is a
substance dissolved in
another substance known as
• SOLUTE – the part of a solution
that is being dissolved (usually
lesser amount)
• SOLVENT – the part of a
solution that dissolves the solute
the greater amount)
• Solute + Solvent = Solution
Sheikh Mohammad Al-Amin
Roll: 005 ID: 202001005
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
Characteristics of solution

•A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two

or more substances.
•The particles of solute in a solution cannot
be seen by the bared eye.
•A solution does not allow beams of light to
•A solution is stable.
•The solute from a solution cannot be
separated by filtration or mechanically.
•It is composed of only one phase.
Types of solutions
Solutions can be classified as saturated or unsaturated or super
• A saturated solution contains the maximum quantity of solute that
dissolves at that temperature.
• An unsaturated solution contains less than the maximum amount of solute
that can dissolve at a particular temperature
• An supersaturated solution contains more than the maximum amount of
solute that can dissolve at a particular temperature
Pizus Chandra Shil
Roll: 003 ID: 202001003
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
• All solutions are mixtures.
• Mixtures are of two types
A. Homogeneous Mixture
B. Heterogeneous Mixture
A)Homogeneous Mixture A mixture which has uniform composition and
properties throughout. For example, air is ahomogeneous mixture of gases. A
teaspoonful of table salt stirred into a glass of water also makes a
homogeneous mixture.

B)Heterogeneous Mixture A heterogeneous mixture is simply any mixture

that is not uniform in composition – it's a non-uniform mixture of smaller
constituent parts. Using various means, the parts in the mixture can be
separated from one another.
Example: Cereal in milk is an example of a heterogeneous mixture. Soil is
another example. Soil has pebbles, plant matter and sand in it.
MD. Sumon Hossain
Roll: 004  ID: 202001004
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
• TRUE SOLUTION: A true solution is a homogeneous solution in which
the solute particles have diameters less than 10-7cm. i.e., the solute
particles are of molecular dimensions. The particles are invisible even
under powerful microscopes. For example, sodium chloride in water is a
true solution.

• COLLOID: A colloid is a solution that has particles ranging between 1

and 1000 nanometers in diameter, yet are still able to remain evenly
distributed throughout the solution. These are also known as colloidal
dispersions because the substances remain dispersed and do not settle
to the bottom of the container.

• SUSPENSION: A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solute-

like particles settle out of a solvent-like phase some time after their
introduction. We apply the word 'suspension' when particles are big
enough to eventually settle. We use the terms 'solute-like' and 'solvent-
like,' because we are dealing with a heterogeneous mixture, while the
terms solute and solvent refer to solutions, which are homogeneous.
Md Khalid Hasan Nahid
Roll: 012 ID: 202001012
Sec: 202-DA Dept. of EEE
Colligative Properties
A physical property of a solution that
depends only on the ratio of the number
of solute to solvent in the solution, not
the identity of the solute.

Describes a nonvolatile solute dissolved

in a solvent.
Four Colligative Properties
• Boiling point elevation

• Freezing point depression

• Vapor pressure lowering

• Osmotic pressure

How can we explain these?

• Common application of colligative properties
• Freezing point Depression

A winter road in cold countries

Adding rock salt in winter road

A clear road after using

rock salt. It happens
because of freezing point.
The End

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