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Nama : Farid alfarizi

NIM : 1882050020
Prodi : pendidikan bahasa inggris
Pronunciation is important.
You will sound more natural and learn to speak
English more quickly. It will help you listen to
English better, because you will learn to identify and
recognise the sounds that other people are making.
a speech sound which is produced by comparatively open
configuration of the vocal tract, with vibration of the vocal
cords but without audible friction, and which is a unit of the
sound system of a language that forms the nucleus of a
a letter representing a vowel sound, such as a, e, i, o, u.
 The five vowels usually called "short" are:
"a" as in "cat",
"e" as in "red",
"i" as in "sit",
"o" as in "not",
"u" as in "bus".
 The five vowels usually called "long", and which children are
told "say their (letter) name", are:
"a" as in "paper",
"e" as in "be",
"i" as in "find",
"o" as in "go",
"u" as in "human".
A diphthong is a sound made by combining two vowels,
specifically when it starts as one vowel sound and goes to
another, like the oy sound in oil.
The Importance of Spelling
Word-processing programs usually have a spell-checker, but
you should still carefully check for correct changes in your
words. This is because automatic spell-checkers may not
always understand the context of a word.
Homonym can be troublesome because it may refer to three
distinct classes of words. Homonyms may be words with
identical pronunciations but different spellings and meanings,
such as to, too, and two.
example :
Address - to speak to / location
Air - oxygen / a lilting tune
Arm - body part / division of a company
Band - a musical group / a ring
Bark - a tree's out layer / the sound a dog makes
Homophone are words that sound alike, thanks to that all-
important suffix "-phone," which means sound. Homophones
have the same sound but different meaning, and they are often
spelled differently. For example, consider the word "fate" and
"fete." Fate is an inevitable outcome, but a fete is a festival or
party. Homophones may or may not be spelled the same,
because the definition is really about the sound.
Other examples of homophones:
 mat/matte
 two/too
Homonyms have characteristics of both homophones and
homographs. As mentioned, they are words that are spelled
alike (like homographs) and sound alike (like homophones).
Homonyms are a special case, and they are best thought of as
the center portion of a Venn diagram that shows the overlap
between homophones in one half and homographs in the other.
Other examples of homonyms:
 bear (an animal)/bear (to withstand or hold up)
 can (a metal container)/can (able to)

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