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Rates of reaction 1.

Which method would you use to measure the following:

a) How mass changes during a reaction ______C______
A b) How colour changes during a reaction ______A_____
c) How much gas is made during a reaction ____B_____

2. Name the 4 factors that affect the rate of reaction:

a) Concentration
b) Temperature
c) Surface Area
3. Draw a line on the graph to show how mass would
change during a reaction.

Mass (g)
Time (s)
4. Draw a line on the graph to show how the volume of gas given off in a reaction
C changes.
Gas volume (ml)

5. How can you tell from a graph when a reaction is

finished? When the line start to go straight

6. What does a steeper line tell you about the rate of

reaction? It’s happening fast

Time (s)

Mass (g)
Mass (g)

Mass (g)
Time (s) Time (s) Time (s)

11. What type of chemical usually makes a catalyst?

7. a) Which reaction had the fastest rate?B a) non-metals
b) transition metals
b) How can you tell? The time it takes for the reaction to c) acids
Finish is the smallest
12. How could you make particles move more quickly?
8.a) Which reaction didn’t finish in the time on the graph? C Increase the temperature

b) How can you tell? The line keep going up and it’s 13. How does this increase reaction rate?
Doesn’t stop Because as the particles move faster there will be more
frequency of collision and energy such collision has
9. a) Which reaction finished fastest? B
14. What type of energy do catalysts lower?
b) How can you tell? Activation energy

15. What is the name of a reaction that goes in both

Reversible reaction

10. Which side of the diagram has the highest 16. What symbol would you use to show this?
concentration of particles? The one on the right
side 17. What does equilibrium mean? Concentration of all

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