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Learning Unit 7

Learning Outcomes

 Discuss the concept of soulmaking

 Develop students’ artistic potentials through soulmaking

 Cite important characteristics in an artwork based on the era


 Enhance students’ sensitivity and awareness toward their

Activity 7.1Sharing Insights
Instruction: Take a look at the sample artwork below and answer the guided question(s)
that follows.
1. What is the theme of the artwork?
2. Can you tell what was implied in this artwork?
3. Have you experienced such?


In order for people to make sense of the work, it would require
understanding the visual elements where art was grounded on, especially
the principles of design.

It is important to note that the audience of the artwork must have a certain
level of awareness to the style, form and content of the said work.

Instrumental music began with the development of 

percussion instruments and crude horns; stringed instruments came
later. Electronic music was a 20th-century development involving
the reproduction of traditional performance mediums through
electronic means, while it also evolved composition and
performance of its own. At first it reproduced natural sounds by
electronic means; later, composers and technicians began to invent
electronic sounds and to discover new sound relationships.
Famous Composers

 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

 Bach, one of the greatest classical composers, wrote ceaselessly: it’s interesting that the hardest-working composer of all time
should also be the one closest to musical perfection. For many, JS Bach’s endless lines, elaborate counterpoint and flowing
harmonies somehow express the ideal state of all music – something beyond the shortness and contingency of human life.
Playing Bach’s music on keyboard or solo instrument is also an amazing form of balancing therapy for the mind.

 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)

 Mozart was always working, teaching himself to be a better composer and trying to be more than just a maker of music. He
was a philosopher whose language was music.

 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)

 Beethoven, one of the greatest classical composers, is the composer as hero, alone against the universe, striving to
understand, express, worship and improve it with his music. This titanic struggle comes across in almost everything he wrote,
alongside a great lyrical tenderness and the overpowering sense of music being dragged into a new era.
Principles of Leonardo Da Vinci:

1. Curiosita – You need an insatiable curiosity for  life.

Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives.

 2. Dimostrazione–  A commitment to test knowledge through experience.

Wisdom comes from experience and the principle of Dimostrazione helps you get the most out of your

 3. Sensazione– The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to clarify
According to Da Vinci, we can best practice Dimostrazione through our senses, particularly sight.

 4. Sfumato- A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.

An essential characteristic of Da Vinci’s genius is his ability to handle a sense of mystery.
 5. Arte/Scienza– The development of the balance between science and art, logic and
imagination (“whole-brain thinking”).
The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination”. This
is thinking with the “whole brain”.

 6. Corporalita- The cultivation of ambidexterity, fitness, and poise.

Corporalità is “the cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise”. Leonardo had
amazing physical ability that complemented his genius in science and arts.

 7. Connessione – A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things
and phenomena; “systems thinking.”
In other words, is systems thinking. One main source of Leonardo’s creativity is his
ability to form new patterns through connections and combinations of different elements.
Thank you !!!!

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