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Balance between Personnel

and Professional Life

Prepared By: Muhammad Muneeb Alam

Muhammad Faizan Butt
Bilal Farooq Abbasi

 Definition
 Earn the Balance You want
 Think Of your Future self
 Opitimize Your Day
 The Mathematical View
 Pillars Of Balance
 Why Personal & Professional Balance is Important
 Steps to maintain Personal & Professional life Balance
 Quotations
Definition Of Balance

 An even distribution of weight enabling someone or something

to remain upright and steady.
 a situation in which different elements are equal or in the
correct proportions.
 A state where things are of equal weight or force
Earn the Balance You Want

 The Best Way to gain work life balance is be good at what you
 The better You are the more control you gain over your
 The stronger your skills, the more leverage you have in the
 Anything you do now to increase your value in the job market
will help you gain the work-life balance you want down the
Think of Your Future self

 Generally speaking, you don’t have as much flexibility when you start your
career. You’re still learning the ropes. You’re given a lot of direction and
supervision. You’re not yet an expert in the field, and that means you probably
won’t have the work-life balance you’re dreaming of.
 But as you move up the ladder, you’ll get more flexibility and autonomy.
 Your 20s are a time to work very hard. You have the most energy and the fewest
responsibilities, so throw yourself into your work.
 Unless you started your family early, you have a lot of freedom in your 20s.
Capitalize on that by giving it your all. I promise you, all that work will
continue to pay off for decades. Create a vision of the balance you’re going to
need in the future, and work to make that happen for your future self.
Optimize Your Day

 Each day presents its own unique challenges and

opportunities, but you have to find ways to make your day
more efficient and productive if you want to leave work at
 Give proper time to your work, to you family, to your
Friends and to your self also.
 Most of us struggle to find a balance between our jobs and
our personal lives at some point in our career. Finding that
balance takes time. So, remember to think about your
future self and do what you can right now to ensure you
have the balance you want later on.
Pillars of Balance
Why Personnel & Professional Balance is
 The Balance each of us Strikes between our own
enrichment and depletion is critical to our Physical,
emotional, and spiritual Health.
Steps to maintain Personal and Professional
Life Balance
 Identify the priorities
 Set a time frame
 Telecommunication
 Use technology to your advantage
 Have a support system
 Learn your employee’s Policies
 Edit yourself Personally and Professionally
 Separate your Work and Leisure Hour
 Do not Bring work at home unless absolutely

 “It’s a Delicate balance between your Personal and your Professional life. I
coach my clients to make their life easier and be more productive with their
time.” (Natalie Gahrmann)
 “A Professional person is one who takes Personal things Professionally, and
Professional things Personally.” (Deepanker Krishna Dubey)
 "Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.“ (Dolly
 "Most people chase success at work, thinking that will make them happy. The
truth is that happiness at work will make you successful."  (Alexander Kjerulf)
The End

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