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Two criteri must be satisfied:

 Maximum temperature <65 °C or 50 °C ER.

 Differential temperature <19 °C:
o Cooling system
o Casting until to a height (various elevations) that
satidfies the criteria, which depends on:
2-2.5m  Contineous catsing or
 batch catsing
o Insulating the surfaces
o Lowering the placing temperature

Cooling system

1. Divide the structures into elevations (more batches in
one elevation)
Maximum differenti At time
At time
Structure temperature of the al (days)
center (°C) (days) temperat
ure (°C)
Retaining 35.63 60.25
49.89 46
1.5m 47.6 2.7 16.6 3.19
2m 50.93 3.27 20.76 4.03
3m 54.33 4.39 27.5 7.65
5m 57.02 8.26 35.14 11.81
10m 59.08 23.6 41.76 33.07
15m 59.67 46.07 44.36 60.25
2m 50.73 3.27 17.4 2.83
2.5m 52.89 3.7 18.7 3.44

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