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Sulfate attack evaluation on dry tunnel segment

Prepared by Dr. Forood Torabian

Snowy 2.0
• Introduction of sulfate attack on concrete
• Some examples of sulfate attack on existing structures
• Sulfate concentration considered in Snowy project
• Thickness loss due to sulfate attack by SIMCO
• Approach of application of coating
What is sulfate attack?
• Results in disintegration of cement paste in-depth of the
surface (thickness loss).
• Sulfate attack is composed of several stages:
1. Expansion
2. Microcracks
3. Crack propagation
4. Disintegration of cement paste (detachment of the superficial layer)

 Expansion
 disintegration
What is sulfate attack?
• Results in disintegration of cement paste in-depth of the
 Thickness loss
surface (thickness loss).
• Sulfate attack is composed of several stages:
1. Expansion
2. Microcracks
3. Crack propagation
4. Disintegration of cement paste (detachment of the superficial layer)

 Expansion
 disintegration
No conflict with standard!
• The standard consent us to manipulate the concrete mix to tolerate the sulfate attack.
• Concrete cover thickness proposed by standards covers the thickness loss due to sulfate attack.
• Thickness loss due to sulfate attack is not indicated in the standards e.g., AS5100 and AS3600.
Examples of sulfate attack in real projects
• Case studies of pyrite oxidation [“Sulfate specification for structural backfills”, J. M. Reid, M. A.
Czerewko, J. C. Cripps (University of Sheffield), TRL Report TRL447]:
• Roadford Dam
• Drainage from the embankment was found to have high sulfate concentrations and neutral pH
from the start, indicating that pyrite oxidation.
• The sulfate concentration showed a seasonal pattern, with values much higher in winter than in
summer. This is thought to reflect the greater flushing of weathering products out of the
embankment in the winter months.
• Although the rate of reaction was very slow, it had a significant effect on the quality of the
drainage water.
• Carsington Dam
• Corrosion of buried concrete was also noted when the dam was dismantled in 1989 (fist built in
1984), particularly where drainage blankets were in contact with concrete.
• The movement of water and air through the drainage blanket allowed the reactions to proceed
at a faster rate than where the concrete was in contact with the less permeable mudstone fill.
• Only a very small percentage of the pyrite was being oxidized each year. However, this was
enough to have a major environmental impact and to require extensive precautions to avoid
sulfate attack on buried concrete.
Examples of sulfate attack in real projects

Carsington Dam:
• Sulfate concentration of drainage 90 mg/l
Examples of sulfate attack in real projects

Carsington Dam:
• Sulfate concentration of drainage 90 mg/l
Examples of sulfate attack in real projects
• Case studies of pyrite oxidation [M. Floyd, M.A. Czerewko, J.C. Cripps, D.A. Spears,”Pyrite
oxidation in Lower Lias Clay at concrete highway structures affected by thaumasite”, Cement & Concrete
Composites 25 (2003) 1015–1024]
• Gloucestershire, UK: after 30 years, sulfate attack was seen.
Sulfate concentrations
• Sulfate content of groundwater (measured)
• mean value of 69 ppm,
• 95th percentile 243 ppm
• maximum of 255 ppm.
• Sulfate content of groundwater with pyrite contribution (simulated)
• Mean value of 1543 ppm
• 95th percentiles 1614 ppm
• Maximum value of 1633 ppm
• Sulfate content of groundwater (measured by EEM)
• 95th percentiles: 869 ppm
• 99th percentiles: 937 ppm
Thickness loss Limit

7 mm

7 mm Maximum allowable
thickness loss to keep
Thickness loss calculation (by SIMCO)
• Which is the criteria to consider thickness loss?

Decalcification of CSH

2 mm
Thickness loss calculation (by SIMCO)

For 243 ppm sulfate concentration:

Expected service life of the coating = 100-75
Expected service life of the coating = 25 years
For 869 ppm sulfate concentration:
Expected service life of the coating = 100-X2
Expected service life of the coating = 80 years
For 1614 ppm sulfate concentration:
Expected service life of the coating = 100-X1
Expected service life of the coating = 90 years

Thickness loss calculation (by SIMCO)
• Experimental tests confirms the input values assumed by the
• No need to repeat the simulations
Proposed approach for coating

For 243 ppm sulfate concentration:

Expected service life of the coating = 100-75
Expected service life of the coating = 25 years • It is global degradation.
  • Coating with service life of 25 years
For 869 ppm sulfate concentration:
Expected service life of the coating = 100-X2 • It is localized degradation.
Expected service life of the coating = 80 years • Coating with service life of 80 years • Segments to be
install on the fault
Proposed approach for coating
• Application of coating on the segments installed on the stretch of fault zone ±10 m.

From: S2-GEO-GN-GMM-REP-1000_C.1
Proposed approach for coating

From: S2-GEO-GN-GMM-DRG-1000_C.1

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