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Name :Novi lestari

Nim :21119116

The degree of public health in a country is determined by

several indicators.Several indicators that are considered
significant indescribing the degree include maternal
mortality,infant mortality,and nutritional status.The number of
deaths among children aged 0-11 months per-11,000 live births
in the population.this indicator is obtained based on the result
of survey orcensuses that are carried out periodically in a
certain year.the result of the indonesiaan demographic and
health survey (5 DKI)carried out by the central bureau of
statistic show an increase.however this inscrease is still
considered on track,whick means that IMR is stil likely to

Measles is an infection caused by a virus.

A rash all over the body is a sympthom and is
very contagious.
Measles is very contagious.
Measles is very contagious and the root
causes a rash all over the body.
Generally, about one to two weeks after the
virus enters the body, new symptoms
Of measles will appear.

The result will cause patches on the skin,high

fever,dehydration and fatique,This condition is very painful for
children.disease it will also cause inflammation of the brain
( encephalitis ).pneumonia (pneumonia),blindness to
Corrective Action

1.Take paracetamol oribuprofen,to relieve pain and fever.

2.Take a warm bath,to relieve a cold or nasal
3. Clean eyes with cotton wet
4.Adjust the light in the room so that it is not too glare
5.Drink ;ots of water for prevent dehydration and reduce discomfort in throat
due to coughing
6.Drink warm water mixed with lemon or honey,for relieves cough and this
mucus in throat .however,do not give honey to children aged on under 1 year

Prevention is done with measles vaccination or MMR vaccination

(Measles,mumps,rubella).according to the 2014 IDAI recommended
immunization schedule,the measles vaccine is given at 9 months of
age .furthermore,the booster vaccine is given at 15 months of age,there
is no need for measles vaccination at 2years of age furthermore,refeat
MMR vaccine 0,5 ml.

Children with primary immunodeficiency,untreated tuberculosis

patient,cancer or organ transplant patient,long-termimmunosuppressive
treatment or immunocompromised children infected with HIV.HIV-
infected children without severe immunosuppresion and without
evidence of immunity to measles can receive measles immunization

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