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Spinal cord functions

• 1. what mechanism provides the work of the

antagonist muscles ?
a) Presynaptic Inhibition
b) Iradiation
c) Reciprocal inhibition
d) Central exitation
e) convergation
• 2. what is the result of muscle stretching ?
a) Contraction of the antagonist muscle
b) Contraction of the stretching muscle
c) The other muscles undergo the cental inhibiti
d) Relaxation of the stretching muscle
e) All of the above
• 3. What is the basic component of a muscle sp
a) Intrafusal fiber
b) Extrafusal fiber
c) All types of fibers
d) All answers are wrong
• 4. What feature is characteristic for the central
part of the intrafusal fiber?
a) It characterizes high rate of contraction
b) It contacts with anulospiral ending
c) It has well expressed striation
d) It contacts with gamma-nerve fiber
• 5. what sort of irritations do the primary, seco
ndary endings and golgi tendon receptors resp
a) The relaxation of the muscles and the tendon
b) The contraction of the muscles and the tendo
c) The stretching of the muscles and the tendon
• 6. What does the activation of the golgi recept
ors of the appropriating muscle cause in the m
a) The cental exitation
b) The inhibition
c) the process of the divergence
d) The reverberation
• 7. What occurs as a result of the activation of t
he anulospiral receptors?
a) Exitation of the alpha-motoneurons
b) Stretch reflex
c) The contraction of the muscle
d) All of the above
• 8. what is the knee jerk reflex caused by?

a) By iritation of the tendon receptors

b) By iritation of the anulospiral receptors of the
intrafusal fibers
c) By both mechanisms
• 9. what is the spinal shock caused by?

a) By the oppression of the trigger brain activity

b) By the increased of the exitability of the Alph
a and gamma motoneurons
c) By the central inhibition
d) By the reciprocal inhibition
• 10. where are cell bodies of sensory neurons l
• A)posterior root
• B)posterior root ganglion
• C)anterior root
• D)anterior gray horn
• 11. Which structure contains motor axons only
• A)posterior root ganglion
• B)posterior root
• C)anterior root
• D)anterior gray horn
• 12. how do we call the outer region of the spin
al cord, composed primarily of myelinated axo
ns ?
• A)white matter
• B)gray matter
• C)gray commissure
• D)lateral horns
• 13. Which spinal cord components contain cell
bodies of interneurons and axons of sensory n
• A)posterior horns
• B)lateral horns
• C)anterior horns
• D)all of the above
• 14. what is the first step involved in a typical n
eural reflex ?
• A)activation of a receptor by a stimulus
• B)activation of a motor neuron
• C)response of a peripheral effector
• D)information processing
• 15. Which of the following is not generally inv
olved in a reflex?
• A)conduction of a nerve impulse to the CNS by
a sensory neuron
• B)information processing by interneurons in a
n integration center
• C)transmission of a nerve impulse to a periphe
ral effector organ
• D)inhibition of an effector by a stimulus from a
motor neuron
• 16. what is the type of monosynaptic reflex th
at regulates the length of skeletal muscle?
• A)withdrawal reflex
• B)stretch reflex
• C)flexor reflex
• D)Golgi tendon reflex
• 18. the reflex arc involves a single interneuron
is classified as ….
• A)ipsilateral
• B)contralateral
• C)polysynaptic
• D)monosynaptic
• 19. Within each intervertebral foramen, an ant
erior root and its corresponding posterior root
unite to form a …
• A)spinal nerve
• B)cranial nerve
• C)motor nerve
• D)sensory nerve
• 20. The anterior root of a spinal nerve contain
• A)axons of both motor and sensory neurons.
• B)axons of sensory neurons only.
• C)interneurons.
• D)axons of motor neurons only.
• 21. what are the functions of the spinal cord …
(2 answers are true)
a) Transmission of nerve impulse
b) Spinal reflexes
c) Perception of the sensory information
d) Control of the upper parts of the CNS
• 22. The gray matter of spinal cord contains…
a) neuron cell bodies
b) Unmyelinated axons
c) Myelinated axons
• 23. what structure carries sensory information
to the CNS?
a) Dorsal root
b) Ventral root
c) White matter
d) Gray matter
• 24. what is the function of the assending tract
a) Carry sensory information to the brain
b) Carry commands to the muscles
c) None of the above
d) Both answers are true
• 25. interneurons of the spinal cord are …
(2 answers are true)
a) Small
b) Large
c) Very exitable
d) Less exitable
26. Renshaw cells ..
a) Are located in the anterior horns
b) Are located in the posterior horns
c) They contact with motoneurons
d) They don’t contact with motoneurons
e) Their function – exitation of motoneuron
f) Their function – inhibition of motoneuron
• 27. what is the EFFECT of inhibition of the mot
orneurons by renshaw cells called ?

a) Reciprocal inhibition
b) Presynaptic inhibition
c) Postsynaptic inhibition
d) lateral inhibition.
28. What are the function of the propriospinal
a) Add the neurons of the same segment
b) add the different segments of the cord to eac
h other.
c) Add the the segments of spinal cord with the
• 29. Proprioceptive reflexes …
a) Are called such reactions of CNS, which occu
r by iritation of muscles, tendons and joints r
b) Are called such reactions of CNS, which occu
r by iritation of scin receptors
c) They send continually information to the CNS
d) They send information about rapid changes o
f the structures
• 30. where is the alpha neuron synapse located

a)  Extrafusal muscle fibers

b) Spinal reflexes
c) Dorsal horn
d) Withdrawal reflex
• 31. where are the interneurons for the tendon
reflex located?
• A. Dorsal horn
• B. Ipsilateral
• C. Spinal shock
• D. Contralateral
• 32. what is the Reason why the stretch reflex i
s faster than other reflexes?
• A. Sensitization
• B. Dorsal horn
• C. Monosynaptic
• D. Mesencephalic
• 33. what is the final effect of the tendon reflex
a)  Inhibition of alpha motorneurons of agonist
b) Exitation of the alpha motorneurons
c) Exitation of the Golgi tendon organ
• 34. reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to
specific stimuli
a) This is true.
b) This is false
• 35. muscle spindles → masses of gray matter i
n the CNS
a)  This is true.
b) This is false
• 36. reflexes → masses of gray matter in the CN
a) This is true.
b) This is false.
• 37. which horn carries sensory neurons into th
e spinal cord?
a) lateral gray horns
b) on the anterior gray horns
c) anterior gray horn
d) Posterior horn
Which of the following questions a
re true to this answer -
• 38. Skin stimulation
a) What is the effector for tendon reflex?
b) What is the result of tendon reflex?
c) What is superficial reflex initiated by?
d) What is a pathway of a reflex?
Which of the following questions a
re true to this answer -
39. Withdrawl reflex
a) What is the result of tendon reflex?
b) What is the result of stretch reflex?
c)  What is an example of a flexor reflex?
d) What is a pathway of a reflex?
Which of the following questions a
re true to this answer -
• 40. Quadriceps femoris
a)  What is the effector for tendon reflex?
b) What is the effector for stretch reflex?
c) What is the receptor for the stretch reflex
d) What is the result of stretch reflex?
• 41. Muscle contracts
a) What is the result of stretch reflex?
b) What is the receptor for the stretch reflex?
c) What is the receptor of withdrawl reflex?
d) What is the effector for stretch reflex?
• 42. Is stretch reflex monosynaptic or polysyna
ptic response? → Monosynaptic
a) This is true.
b) This is false.
• 43. Is there integration neuron for tendon refl
ex? → Yes
a) This is true.
b) This is false.
• 44. which of the following reflexes moves affec
ted body parts away from a stimulus ?
a) postural reflexes
b) acquired reflexes
c)  withdrawal reflexes
d) somatic reflexes
• 45. what is the name of butterfly shaped area
s of gray matter on either side of the spinal cor
• a. nuclei
• B. epinurium
• C. horns
• 46. what structure receives and relays sensory
information from peripheral receptors?
a.  sensory nuclei
b. tendon reflex
c. convergence
d. SNS controls
• 47. tendon reflex → type of withdrawal reflex
that acts on flexor muscles of a limb to withdr
awal from stimulus
• A. this is true
• B. This is false.
• 48. motor neurons  → issue motor commands
to peripheral effectors
• . A. this is true
• B. This is false
• 49. postural reflexes → extremely sensative str
etch reflexes that help us maintain normal pos
• . A. this is true
• B. This is false
• 50. white matter → specific bilateral region of
the skin monitored by a single pair of spinal ne
• .A. this is true
• B. This is false

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