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Noise Pollution

Nizam Mat Ali

What is sound?

 Sound is air pressure waves which human ears can detect.

 The human ear only detects pressure fluctuations which

change at least 20 times per second, i.e. 20 Hz.

 Human ears can detect pressure fluctuations as low as 20

m Pa = 2*10-5 Pa.

 Sound waves are characterized by their pressure

amplitude and their frequency
The nature of sound
Sound, a manifestation of vibration, travels in wave patterns through
solids, liquids and gases.
The waves, caused by vibration of the molecules, follow sine functions,
typified by the amplitude and wavelength (or frequency)

Sound waves of equal

amplitude with increasing
frequency from top to
Measures of Sounds – Measures of Noise

Source power
 Sources of sound (a loudspeaker, a hammer drill) have a
characteristic acoustic power measured in Watts.

 This is the acoustics energy emitted by a source regardless

of the subsequent propagation of the sounds.
Sound pressure for known sounds
What is NOISE?

 Unwanted by whom? “Whom” is people (human – no

one cares whether the rabbits living near Heathrow
are bothered by aircraft noise).

 People’s tolerance thresholds to noise vary from

individual to individual, with time, location (country
to country etc…).

 Not easy to find a universal definition.

Reflecting on noise
 “Noise" derived from "nausea," meaning seasickness

 Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today

 Noise is unavoidable for many machines

 Noise negatively affects human health and well-being

 The air into which second-hand noise is emitted and on which it

travels is a "commons“, a public good
Noise Regulation
 Environmental - noise affecting residents
-under Env. Quality Act (AKAS 1974) – Act

 Occupational - workplace hearing damage

assessment & control, daily personal noise
dose- under F and M act 1967 (act 139)-
Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure),
Section 21. Power to specify conditions of
emission, discharge, etc.

 The Minister, after consultation with the

Council, may by regulations specify the
acceptable conditions for the emission,
discharge or deposit of environmentally
hazardous substances, pollutants or wastes or
the emission of noise into any area, segment or
element of the environment and may set aside
any area, segment or element of the
environment within which the emission,
discharge or deposit is prohibited or restricted.

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