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Anindya Aulia Putri( 4203220008 )
Angelica Febriyanti (4203220045 )

Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

When the A site is occupied by a release factor ,

the enzyme Peptidyl transferase is unable to add an amino acid to
the growing polypeptide chain and Instead catalyzes the hydrolysis
of the bond joining the polypeptide chain to the tRNA.

independent clause.
A complex sentences has an independent clause
and at least one dependent clause
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

Although some of the structures and chemicals

found in cells can be selectively stained by
specific fluorescent dyes

others are most conveniently revealed by using antibodies.

independent clause.
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

Since most eukaryotes are multicellular ,

organisms with many cell types

gene expression,must be controlled so that different cell

lineages develop differently and remain different.

independent clause.
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

When protein synthesis is over


The two ribosomal subunits dissociate

independent clause.
Complex sentences
Independent clause.

Protein synthesis begins

when a second aminoacyl tRNA occupies the A site.

conjunction dependent clause.
Complex sentences
Independent clause.

The term residue is used to refer to the amino acid

when it is part of a peptide chain.

conjunction dependent clause.
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

When protein synthesis is over


The two ribosomal subunits dissociate

independent clause.
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

If a protein contains more than one hydrophobic ,


Then synthesis of the second stretch reinitiates translocation

across the membrane

independent clause.
Complex sentences
dependent clause. A comma separate the clauses

If a protein contains more than one hydrophobic ,


Then synthesis of the second stretch reinitiates translocation

across the membrane

independent clause.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 11. If a blood vessel is cut,
✘ 11. The cells multiplied with
cytosol from damaged cells at
abandon, continuing well beyond
the edge of the cut can leak
the time when their telomerase-
into the blood.
lacking counterparts had stopped.
✘ 12. Hormones are long-lived
✘ 12. A virus is neither a cell nor a
transmitters that are released
living organism, because it can
into the blood and travel
not reproduce independently.
around the body before being
broken down.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 13. Nitric oxide lasts for only ✘ 13. Although actin filaments
about 4 s before being broken are the most brittle of the
down. cytoskeletal fibers, they are
✘ 14. Although there is some final also the most versatile in
processing of Proteins in the terms of the shapes they can
trans-Golgi network, most of the take.
proteins reaching this point have ✘ 14. Since there are two cell
received All the modifications divisions in meiosis, each
necessary to make them fully phase is followed by a I or II
functional and to specify their indicating to which division it
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 15. Although spontaneous ✘ 15. Viruses depend upon
pneumothorax would present the same their cellular hosts for
way on a radiograph, the patient’s survival, it’s in their best
history of Trauma (car crash) indicates interest to keep cells alive
the patient does not have A spontaneous until the viruses are ready to
pneumothorax. move on.
✘ 16. Because branches of The saphenous ✘ 16. If apoptosis is triggered
nerve cross the vein in the distal part Of when it shouldn’t be, our
the leg, the nerve can be torn out of the bodies squander perfectly
limb if the Vein is stripped from the good cells.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 17. Foot dorsifl exion is weakened ✘ 17. Although these evasion tactics
because of partial Denervation of can allow viruses to gain the upper
the extensor digitorum longus hand and make us sick, they’ve also
✘ 18. If a particular nerve is injured guided scientists toward a deeper
bilaterally, there is signifi cant risk under standing of apoptosis.
of asphyxiation postoperatively ✘ 18. Mitosis creates cells, and
unless the patient is intubated or the apoptosis kills them, Although these
airway is opened surgically. processes oppose one another they
often work together to keep us
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 19. Division of lower Lumbar and ✘ 19. Until recently, scientists
sacral ventral rootlets would not thought that individual lipids and
eliminate pain sensation since these proteins floated around
rootlets contain effer ent motor fibers independently.
and no afferents. ✘ 20. Since then, Blackburn has
✘ 20. Even though these genotypes made inroads understand exactly
appear to have a large number of pods how telomerase works especially
per plant, they have to be carefully how the functions of the enzyme
evaluated in specific environments and are split between its RNA and
their genotypic potential confirmed protein components.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 21. These enzymes are ✘ 21. Cell death - apoptosis - form the
activated when the lysosomes physical features of our organs, before
fuse with other organelles we were born.
destined for degradation. ✘ 22. Normal cells will stop and repair
✘ 22. Even though transposons the damage to their DNA, before
turn out to be much of the non- starting mitosis.
coding DNA in some eukaryotic ✘ 23. When they reach the end of the
genomes, they seemed to serve message, the ribosomes disassemble
no purpose other than their own from the RNA and release the finished
replication. polypeptide.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 23. Cancerous growth may result ✘ 24. We can see and
if a normal dividing cell suffers a describe cell parts in the
somatic mutation that disrupts light or electron
normal cell cycle control. microscope, but we
✘ 24. The chemical and metabolic could not definitively
evolution that began before life know their function
may have overlapped in time with until it became possible
cellular evolution to release them from
cells and separate them
from one another.
Complex Sentence
(one independent clause and at least
one dependent clause).

Independent cluase (red) Dependent cluase (black)

✘ 25. Nerves coated with
✘ 25. We could not definitively know myelin transmit
their function until it became messages at a speed of
possible to release them from cells about 250 miles per
and separate them from one another hour, plenty of time for
the massage to get your
brain to warn you to lift
your foot before it
Any questions?


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