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Church of the Flying

Spaghetti Monster
What is it?
So, pastafarianism is a parody religion, which was founded
in 2005 by American Bobby Henderson. The creation of
such a church of this citizen of the states was prompted by
the fact that in Kansas an item such as "Reasonable Design"
was included in the official school curriculum. It is also
remarkable that since then it has been read instead of the
"evolutionary doctrine". On his official website, Henderson
informs that he sees the creator of our world as some kind
of creature consisting of macaroni, and similar in general
terms to an ordinary teftelu. He also calls on all to
introduce a course of pastafarianism in schools along with
other subjects, while using the argument of "bringing to the
point of absurdity." Despite the fact that this parody
religion is caused by mockery from many people, it has
already become official for a long time.
After the schools of Kansas began all the
same to study the same "Intelligent Design",
Bobby Henderson immediately made his first
assumption: "Yes, God is, but where can you
find evidence that he is exactly what we
draw his church? Personally, I see it in a
completely different form, namely as a kind
of creature from macaroni. " On the basis of
all this, and also starting from the world
Holy Scriptures (the Bible, Torah, Veda), he
created his own manual, which, in fact,
differs little from the above.
Among the first adherents who entered
this Church of a macaroni monster were
the so-called pirates. According to Bobby
himself, these were peace-loving
creatures who were engaged in preaching
freedom of speech, and concurrently
handing out sweets to children. Also,
Henderson notes that the whole
incomprehensible religious situation that
has developed in our years is manifested
in the fact that in the world there have
been catastrophically few pirates.
Principles of Pastafarianism
• Floating in the air and an invisible pasta monster created our universe, and he started with trees,
mountains and ... "dwarf".
• All existing evidence of the evolution of our world is a built-in consciousness of each setting of a
pasta monster. Many things that surround us, he looks older than they really are. The facts and
scientifically proven regularities are also very illusory, since its Macaroni deity is able to change
everything, passing through matter and remaining unnoticed. As a result, our faith, views,
knowledge and other dogmas are constantly changing, although we do not notice it.
• Paradise, where all the pastafarian fall, is a certain substance that includes a huge beer volcano
and a striptease factory.
• The key word of religion is Ramen, which must certainly be written with two capital RAs. It is
clear that this is a parody of the "amen" habitual for all Christians, Muslims and Jews. In fact,
Ramen - this is a Japanese instant soup, which includes pasta.
Pastafarian beliefs extend into
lighthearted religious ceremony.
Pastafarians celebrate every Friday as
a holy day. Prayers are concluded
with a final declaration of
affirmation, "Ramen“.
The celebration of "Pastover" requires
consuming large amounts of pasta,
and during "Ramendan", only Ramen
noodles are consumed.
International Talk Like a Pirate Day is Around the time of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa,
observed as a holiday. Pastafarians celebrate a vaguely defined holiday named
"Holiday". Holiday does not take place on "a specific date
so much as it is the Holiday season, itself". According to
Henderson, as Pastafarians "reject dogma and
formalism", there are no specific requirements for
The Eight Commandments
• It would be better if you did not behave like a typical saint preacher, when you
tell other people about my macaroni grace. I'm not so narcissistic, because to
prove to everyone without exception that I really exist and that I need to believe
in, it is not necessary.
• It would be better if you did not use My name as an excuse for economic
decline, enslavement, oppression and other abominations. I do not need victims
at all.
• It would be better if you did not judge people by their clothes, by appearance
and manner of communication. By the way, get it through your head that a
woman, exactly the same as a man - is a person, and a bore is a bore. And
remember that the best of people are those who know how to dress. This ability
I gave women and only some men who can distinguish crimson from purple.
• It would be better if you did not allow yourself to commit those actions from
which you yourself turn, or a similar reaction can be traced to your partner.
Anyone who does not agree with me can go to the forest, but if it's insulting to
them, then for a change you can turn off the TV and stroll through the streets.
• It would be better if you did not enter into a debate
with the misogynists, racists and other terrible
organizations on an empty stomach. I ate - now you
can go to disperse them.
• It would be better if you did not spend a lot of
money on the erection churches, mosques,
mausoleums and other meaningless structures in my
macaroni honor. This money is better spent for
reducing poverty, for curing diseases for the poor,
for peace in the whole world, or for passionate love.
• It would be better if you did not bother everyone
that I spoke to you. Believe me, you are not so
interesting to everyone around you. Remember once
and for all: I taught you mostly to love your
• It would have been better if you did not treat others
as you would I wanted to be dealt with if there is a
lot of vaseline and latex. An exception is if a person
really wants to do it himself. Just for my sake, do not
forget to put on a condom, it's just a piece of gum! If
I wanted sex to not bring you pleasure, I would add
spines to this product.

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