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1. Nurse theorist who pioneered the self-care deficit nursing theory

-Dorothea Orem

2-4. What are the 3 interrelated theories of self-care deficit theory of nursing?

- Self-care Theory

-Self care deficit Theory

- Theory of Nursing Systems

5.Induces self Care

- Theory of Self-care

6. Delineates when nursing is needed

- Self-care deficit Theory

(7.-11.) Nursing processes (in order)

7. -Assessment

8. -Diagnosis

9. -Planning

10. -Implementation

11. -Evaluation

12-13. 2 categories of technologist


-Regulatory Technologies

14. Individual unable to engage in those self-care actions


15. Systematic approach to care

-Nursing Process

1. She is well-known for her Behavioral System Model.

- Dorothy E. Johnson

2. When did Johnson's Behavioral System first proposed?

- 1968

3. Her model was greatly influenced by what book of Florence Nightingale?

- Notes on Nursing

4. How many assumptions of the system and assumptions of structure and function?

- 4 assumptions

5-8. 4 Major Concepts

- Human Being

- Society

- Health

- Nursing

9-15. What are the 7 subsystems in Johnson's Behavioral System?

- Attachment subsystem

- Dependency subsystem

- Ingestive subsystem

- Eliminative subsystem

- Sexual subsystem

- Aggressive subsystem

- Achievement subsystem

Group 2

1. According to _______, that caring is central to nursing practice and promotes health better than a
simple medical cure. ( Jean Watson)

2-5. What are the four major concepts of nursing according to Watson?
2. Person or human being

3. Health

4. Nursing

5. Environment or society

6. It is defined as a high level of overall physical, mental and social functioning. (Health)

7. It is defined as a science of persons and health- illnesses experience that are mediated by
professional, personal, scientific and ethical care

interactions. (Nursing)

8. It is defined as a valued person in and of him or herself to be cared for, nurtured, respected,
understood and assisted. ( Human being )

9. Actual Caring Occasion involves actions and choices by the nurse and the individual. (True)

10. Transpersonal concept is an intersubjective human to human relationship in which the nurse affects
and is affected by the person of the person. (True)

11. In ________, Jean Watson developed the Philosophy of Caring. (1979)

12. A science of caring is complementary to the science of __________. (curing)

13. Dr. Jean Watson founded the ____________. (Watson Science Institute)

14. The practice of caring is central to nursing. (true)

15. Caring, safeguards and affirms our humanity. (true)

Group 8 questions and answers sa TFN guys

1. In Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment proposition (2), if the nurse and patient make _____,
the goal or goals will be achieved.

answer: transaction

2. What is a process of action, reaction, and interaction whereby nurse and client share information
about their perceptions in the nursing station?

answer: Nursing

3. It is a dynamic life experience of a human being, which implies continuous adjustment to stressors in
the internal and external environment through optimum use of one's resources to achieve maximum
potential for daily living.

answer : Health

4. What is the background for human interactions?

answer: Environment

5. What is a system formed by human beings interacting?

answer: Interpersonal system

6. It is defined as the processes in people's lives through which they move from a potential for the
achievement to the actualization of self.

answer: Growth and development

7. King defines _____ as "a process whereby information is given from one person to another either
directly in a face-to-face meeting or indirectly through telephone, television, or the written word."

answer: communication

8. What system is a more comprehensive interacting system consists of groups that make up society?

answer: Social system

9. It is the capacity to use resources in organizations to achieve goals.

answer: Power

10. In what phase of nursing process does the nurse evaluates the patient to determine whether or not
the goals were achieved?

answer: Evaluation phase

11. It is the position of an individual in a group or a group in relation to other groups in an organization.

answer: Status

12. It is a dynamic and systematic process by which goal-directed choice of perceived alternatives is
made and acted upon by individuals or groups to answer a question and attain a goal.

answer: Decision-making

13. What is defined as a sequence of behaviors involving mental and physical action?

answer: Action

14. Who developed the Theory of Goal Attainment?

answer: Imogene M. King

15. The date when Imogene M. King was born.

answer: January 30, 1923


1. The ____ is a prominent nursing theory aiming to explain or define the provision of nursing science

* Adaptation Model of Nursing

2-3-4-5. Write 4 Major Concepts of the Adaptation Model

* Person, Environment, Health, Nursing, Adaptation

6. It is the level of adaptation where various modes and subsystems meet the needs of the environment
and there are usually stable processes.

*Integrated Process

7. Level of adaptation where modes and subsystems are not adequately meeting the environmental

*Compromised Process

8. There are 10 steps in Nursing Process. T or F


9. Subsystem is a person's physiological coping mechanism


10. Subsystem is a person's mental coping mechanism


11. Write one of the 4 Adaptive Modes

*Physiological-Physical, Role Function, Interdependence,

12. Who challenged her students during a seminar to develop concdptuals models of Nursing?

*Dorothy Johnson

13-14. Painstaking application of the model requires significant input of ___ and ___

*Time and Effort

15. "Set a goal to promote adaptation" is one of the nursing process


Group 3 Benner Benner's Stages of Nursing Philosophy

1. At this level nurses demonstrate a new ability to

see changing relevance

Answer: Proficient

2. It is a qualitative leap beyond the competent

Answer: Proficient

3. The most pivotal in clinical learning because the learner must begin to recognize pattern

Answer: Competence
4. Is demonstrated by the nurse who has been on the job in the same or similar -

Answer: Competence

5. This stage occurs after 5 years or greater in the same area of nursing. The performer no longer relies
on an analytic principle to connect his/her understanding.

Answer: EXPERT

6. The person has no background experience of the situation.

Answer: NOVICE

7. This stage occurs after 2-3 years and is the most pivotal in clinical learning because the learner must
begin to recognize the patterns.


8. After 3-5 years in the same area of nursing, the nurse moves into this stage.


9. This stage develops when the person can demonstrate marginally acceptable performance having
coped with enough real situations.


10-15. What are the 5 levels/ stages of nursing capabilities that Dr.Benner categorized?

Answer: Novice, Advanced Beginner, Competent, Proficient, Expert

Group 4 Caritative Caring Theory

1. Who proposed the caritative caring theory?

Answer: Katie Eriksson

2. It comes from the latin word which means "love for all"

Answer: Caritas

3. It requires meeting in time and space, an absolute, lasting presence.

Answer: Caring Communion

4. The Core of Nursing Ethics

Answer: Caritative Caring Ethics

5. Described as a human being's struggle between good and evil.

Answer: Suffering

6-10. Give at least 5 key terms in the theory of caritative caring.


- Caritas

- Caring Communion

- Act of Caring

- Caritative Caring Ethics

- Dignity

- Invitation

- Suffering

- Reconciliation

- Caring Culture
11. Dignity means that we take "caritas into use when caring"

Answer: False

12. Caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope, and love.

Answer: True

13. When was Katie Eriksson born?

Answer: November 18, 1943

14. Constitutes one of the basic concepts of caritative caring ethics.

Answer: Dignity

15. Refers to the drama of suffering, a human being who suffers wants to be confirmed in his or her

Answer: Reconciliation


1.. Also known as the Science of Unitary Human Beings.

Answer: Martha Roger's Theory

2. Knowledge specific to the field of nursing that comes from scientific research.

Answer: The Science of Nursing

3. This uses the science of nursing creatively to help better the life of the patient.

Answer: The Art of Nursing

4. Also called "aura", the force energy found outside your physical form surrounding you.
Answer: Energy field

5. This distinguishes the characteristics of an energy field.

Answer: Pattern

6-10. Give atleast 5 concepts in Roger's 8 concepts in nursing theory.

Answer: energy field, openness, pattern, pandimentionality, homodynamics, principle of integrality,

principle of resonance and principle of helicy

11. Pattern gives identity to the field.

Answer: True

12. Energy field states that there is no temporal ordering of lives.

Answer: False

13. Principle of integrality states that there is a constant interaction between human and environment.

Answer: True

14. Health is determined by the interactions between energy fields.

Answer : True

15. A person is an open system that continuosly interact with the environment

Answer: True

G1 (Nightigales Environment Theory)

1. Who proposed the environmental theory?

Florence Nightingale

2. When was Nightingale

May 12,1820

3. In what war did FN served as a nurse?

Crimean War

4. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his revovery?
Environmental Theory

5-10- give the five environmental 7?

•fresh air • pure water • efficicient drainage • Cleanliness • direct sunlight

10. Key aspects of environmental theory where it is the maintaining the patients body temperature?

Ventilation and Warmth

11.Key aspects wherein patients should be place to direct sunlight?


12-15 give atleast 4 key aspects of environmental theory?

*ventilation and Warmth


*cleanliness to the area

Health of the houses


Bed and beddings

Personal cleanliness

Chattering hopes and advices




TFN Group 7 Questions and Answers

1. In Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment proposition (2), if the nurse and patient make _____,
the goal or goals will be achieved.

answer: transaction
2. What is a process of action, reaction, and interaction whereby nurse and client share information
about their perceptions in the nursing station?

answer: Nursing

3. It is a dynamic life experience of a human being, which implies continuous adjustment to stressors in
the internal and external environment through optimum use of one's resources to achieve maximum
potential for daily living.

answer : Health

4. What is the background for human interactions?

answer: Environment

5. What is a system formed by human beings interacting?

answer: Interpersonal system

6. It is defined as the processes in people's lives through which they move from a potential for the
achievement to the actualization of self.

answer: Growth and development

7. King defines _____ as "a process whereby information is given from one person to another either
directly in a face-to-face meeting or indirectly through telephone, television, or the written word."

answer: communication

8. What system is a more comprehensive interacting system consists of groups that make up society?

answer: Social system

9. It is the capacity to use resources in organizations to achieve goals.

answer: Power

10. In what phase of nursing process does the nurse evaluates the patient to determine whether or not
the goals were achieved?

answer: Evaluation phase

11. It is the position of an individual in a group or a group in relation to other groups in an organization.

answer: Status

12. It is a dynamic and systematic process by which goal-directed choice of perceived alternatives is
made and acted upon by individuals or groups to answer a question and attain a goal.

answer: Decision-making

13. What is defined as a sequence of behaviors involving mental and physical action?

answer: Action

14. Who developed the Theory of Goal Attainment?

answer: Imogene M. King

15. The date when Imogene M. King was born.

answer: January 30, 1923


1. She is a community healthy nurse and clinical psychologist who developed the Neuman’s System
Model? -Betty Neuman

2. It is the state of adaptation to stressors. -Reconstitution

3. 2 concentric boundaries or rings that surrounds the basic structure or central core of energy
resources. -Lines of Resistance

4. 4-6. Enumerate 3 of the basic factors that is common to all organism. -Normal Temp. Range -Genetic
structure -Response pattern - Organ strength or weakness -Ego Structure - Knowns or Commonalities

5. The inner line of defense that represents the person’s state of equilibrium. -Normal Line of Defense

6. The outer line of defense that is dynamic and can change rapidly over a short period of time. -Flexible
line of defense

7. Level of prevention that focuses on protecting the normal line of defense and strengthening the
flexible line of defense. -Primary prevention

8. Level of prevention that focuses on strengthening internal lines of resistance. -Secondary prevention

9. Level of prevention that focuses on readaptation and stability and protects reconstitution. -Tertiary

10-12. What are the three categories of stressors according to Neuman?




13. A chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event that causes
stress to an organism.


14. If the is an inadequate energy to reconstitute the system, it can lead to ___


15. TRUE OR FALSE. Betty Neumans Model provides a comprehensive holistic and system based approah
to Nursing that contains an element of flexibility


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