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Isna Rahmah
01 202154100

Mahiesa Tazkiya
02 202154084

Putri Ayudyaningsih
03 202154079

Paradisa Nidafatria
04 202154098
. What is variation?
The differences between individuals
of the same species are called
variation. These differences may be
the result of genetic differences, the
influence of the environment, or a
combination of genetic and
environmental influences.
Mutations: more variation
Genetic variation
1 3
Genetic differences reflect the The ultimate source of inherited
genotype of an organism, that is, its variations is mutations. A mutation
genetic make-up. A diploid organism is a change in the amount or the
has two sets of chromosomes and two chemical structure of DNA.
forms (alleles) of each particular gene.

2 Phenotypic variation: Earth is where we live on

continuous and 4
discontinuous Chromosome mutations can happen during
mitosis and meiosis when chromosomes
discontinuous variation, the are being condensed and pulled apart.
differences are discrete (separate) Chromosome mutations also occur during
and clear cut: they do not merge into interphase when DNA replicates, and
each other. In continuous variation, during crossing over when sections of
differences are slight and grade into chromosomes are exchanged
each other.
Down's Syndrome
And Genetic
Down's syndrome: trisomy 21
Down's syndrome is the most common
single cause of learning disability in
children of school age.
Genetic screening:
amniocentesis and
chorionic villus sampling
● Genetic screening refers to procedures used to
examine an individual for the presence of a
genetic disease or disorder. The most widely
available genetic screening procedure for
Down's syndrome is amniocentesis
Amniocentesis counselling
Amniocentesis is usually carried out Genetic screening should be
at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. It followed by genetic counselling,
involves passing a very fine needle the giving of advice and
into the uterus, observed with an information about the risks of a
ultrasound image, and withdrawing a genetic disease and its outcome.
sample of amniotic fluid containing
fetal cells.
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