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Customer Service

Chapter 6
Quality Service Management in
Tourism & Hospitality
What is customer service?
 Customer service comes from 2 words:
CUSTOMER, meaning one who buys
something and SERVICE, the occupation
or function of serving or the work
performed by one that serves.
Customer Service
 Customer service is
any contact ,between
a customer and a
company, that causes
a negative or positive
perception by a
 Customer & Service, when the 2 come
together there are two possible outcomes:
a. they can form a collision that will leave
the customer frustrated & angry
b. It can be a comfortable joining together
of two friends that leave the customer
satisfied and pleased.
Standards of service
 Customer loyalty is also very important,
more so that customer satisfaction.
Characteristics of satisfied
 Will continue doing business until
something better comes along

 No personal interaction

 No relationship formed
Characteristics of loyal customers
 Word of mouth recommendation

 Forgives & understands minor problems

 Not price sensitive

The toughest customer service

Employees of the service industry

taxi drivers
hair stylists
Competitive Edge Training
Training is accomplished in 2 phases:
 Basic training
 Competitive edge training
The Customer is always right
 It is attitude and trust towards the
customer that is important.

 The first rule of customer satisfaction is to

always assume your customers are telling
the truth.
 Also, the emphasis of the company is its

 Give your employees that chance,

motivate them etc.

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