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Educational Philosophy: For

The Intellectual Foundations of Indonesia

HMI Cabang Ciamis
28 Oktober 2019
Presented by:
Darussalam Ciamis-est Java

What is Philosophy?
• The study of theories of knowledge, truth,
existence, and morality

• Theory: a set of related principles that are

based on observation and are used to explain
additional observations

• Normative Philosophy: a description of the

way professionals ought to practice
Philosophy and Teacher
• All professions have philosophical
• Educational philosophy is one
important aspect of teacher’s
professional knowledge.

Major Branches of Philosophy
• Epistemology: investigates the origin,
nature, methods, and limits of human
• Metaphysics or Ontology: studies the
nature of existence or being and the
underlying principles
• Axiology: investigates values and ethics.
• Logic: process of deriving valid
conclusions from basic principles.
• What is the nature of knowledge?
• How do we come to know what we know?
• Educational examples:
• How would an anthropologist look at this classroom? A
political scientist? A biologist?
• How do we know what a child knows?
• Sub-branches
• Knowing based on:
–Scientific Inquiry
–Senses and Feelings
–From authority or divinity
–Empiricism (experience)
–Reasoning or Logic
• Deductive:  reasoning from the general to the particular
• Inductive:  reasoning from the specific to the general. 5
• What is the nature of reality?
• Educational examples:
• Do you think human beings are basically good or evil?
• What are conservative or liberal beliefs?

• Sub-branches:
• Ontology
• What issues are related to nature, existence, or being?
• How might your view determine your classroom
• Cosmology
• What is the nature and origin of the cosmos or universe?
• Is the world and universe orderly or is it marked by chaos?6
• What would one or the other mean for a classroom?
• What values should one live by?
• Educational examples:
• Is morality defined by our actions, or by what is in our hearts?
• What values should be taught in character education?

• Sub-Branches
• Ethics
What is good and evil, right and wrong?
Is it ever right to take something that does not belong to you?
• Aesthetics
What is beautiful?
How do we recognize a great piece of music? Art?
Can there be beauty in destruction?
Traditional Schools of Philosophy


What is real is the nature of thought

• A traditional philosophy asserting that because

the physical world is always changing, ideas are
the only reliable form of reality (Ide realitas yang
dapat diandalkan).
• Plato
• Ideas should be the focus of teaching and learning
• Criticized for being elitist and overemphasizing
cold, detached topics at the expense of human
emotions and intuition
Objects have real objective existence

• A traditional philosophy suggesting that the
features of the universe exist whether or not a
human being is there to perceive them.
• Aristotle
• There are important ideas and facts that must
be understood and that they can only be
understood by studying the material world.
• Back to Basics movement
• Criticized for being too narrow in focus. If
fails to account for the whole person in the
learning process.
• A philosophy that rejects
the idea of absolute,
unchanging truth, instead
asserting that truth is
“what works”
• John Dewey
Practical consequences
• Learning how to learn, constitute the essential
direct experiences, criterion in determining
problem solving, meaning, truth, or value
integration 11
• Criticized for emphasizing student interests at the
expense of essential knowledge. 12
• A philosophy suggesting
that humanity isn’t part of an
orderly universe; rather
individuals create their own realities.
• Jean-Paul Satre
• Primary emphasis on the individual – we teach
children, not subjects
• Schools should be places where students are free
to engage in activities because these activities are
interesting and help them define who they are.
Communities of learners
• Criticized for subjectivity, no core values 13
Philosophy and Cultural
• The philosophies that we embrace are
influenced by the cultures we live in.
• Western philosophy heavily emphasizes
individualism and rational thought.
• Other world cultures place greater relative
emphasis on the wisdom of elders, feelings
and personal relationships, and harmony.

Philosophies of Education

• Perennialism
• Essentialism
• Progressivism
• Postmodernism

One should teach things that one
Perennialism deems to be of everlasting
importance to all people
everywhere (Seseorang harus mengajarkan
hal-hal yang dianggap penting bagi semua
orang di mana saja)
• An educational philosophy suggesting
that nature, including human nature, is
• Roots in both Idealism and Realism
• Rigorous intellectual curriculum for all
students, classic works

• An educational philosophy suggesting
that a critical core of knowledge and
skills exists that all people should
• Roots in Idealism and Realism
• Back to basics movements
• Standards, testing, cultural literacy
• What is essential can change
• An educational philosophy emphasizing
curricula that focus on real-world problem
solving and individual development.
• Roots in Pragmatism
• Constructivism
• John Dewey

• An educational philosophy contending that
many of the institutions in our society,
including schools, are used by those in power to
marginalize those who lack power.
• Roots in Existentialism
• History / Classics examined for power issues,
struggles of marginalized groups
• Criticized for using schools for political
Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism Postmodernism

Related Idealism, Idealism, Pragmatism Existentialism

Traditional Realism Realism
Educational Train the Acquire basic Acquire ability to Examine institut.,
Goals intellect, moral skills/knowledge function and status of marg-
development for world problem solve inalized groups

Curriculum Emphasis on Emphasis on Emphasis on Emphasis on

enduring ideas basic skills problem solving works of margin-
and skills alized people

Role of the Clear lectures, Critical lectures, Guide learning, Facilitate

Teacher critical critical practical prob. discussions that
questions questions solving activities clarify issues

Teaching Lecture, Lecture, practice Problem-based Discussion, role

Methods questioning, and feedback, learning, guided play, simulation
intell. thinking questioning discovery

Learning High structure, High structure, Collaborative, Community-

Environment high time on high time on self-regulated, oriented, self-
task task democratic regulated

Assessment Frequent Objective, essay, Continuous Collaborative

objective and perform. tests feedback, informal between teacher
essay tests monitoring and student
The Feminist of Education

Feminist Approach:

• Feminisme merupakan gerakan emansipasi yang

memperjuangkan persamaan hak pria dan wanita
• Dari gerakan kemudian muncul teori feminis, yang
menggunakan gender sebagai kategori analisis utama
Tiga Unsur Pokok Feminisme

Analisis Terhadap Pendidikan:

• Ada Ketidak-adilan gender
Gender Konstuksi sosial
dalam pendidikan.
• Ketidakadilan gender terjadi
karena kegiatan pendidikan.
Dominasi Pria
• Menafsirkan kembali,
Memahami kembali dan
mengubah praktek
pendidikan secara baru
Pengalaman Keterlibatan sehingga muncul Pendidikan
Perempuan Perempuan
yang ramah perempuan
Developing Your Philosophy
of Education
• Philosophy can guide practice and help you
explain and defend your educational goals.
• The process of developing a philosophy
begins with examining your own beliefs
about teaching, learning, and students.
• An analysis of educational philosophies can
assist teachers in forming their own personal,
and probably eclectic, personal philosophy.

Reflection Paper #2: Your
own philosophy of education
• Develop your own philosophy of education based
on your own educational experiences, a critical
examination of your personal perceptions related to
teaching, and information learned in class about
educational philosophies
• Be sure to include
• Your perceptions of how education should be conducted
• How that related to the educational philosophies learned
in class
• Personal examples to illustrate each philosophical element
Presentation References
• Sumadi (2015) “Pendekatan Feminis dalam
Kajian Islam”.
• Educational Philosophy: The Intellectual
Foundations of American Education, ED 1010
February 17 & 19, 2009.
• Sumadi (2015) The Development Of Feminist
Epistemology In Islamic Studies In Islamic Higher
Education In Indonesia


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