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How to Analyze Journal Article

Devi Pratiwi Sudrajat, M.Pd

The more you read
the more thing you
01 What’s an 02 Component of
academic article
article ?

03 How to 04 Example to
analyze analyze article
article ?
what’s an academic
article ?
What’s an academic article ?

There are many differences between an ordinary article and a scholarly or academic
article. Magazine articles, administration documents, reports from different kinds of
organizations, essays, opinion pieces, or Wikipedia resources are not scholarly articles.

Scholarly articles are a full-length document on original research, and sources of high-
valuable information. They are written by an expert, for other experts, with new
information and research results in some fields. The authors are scholars or researchers
with advanced degrees and/or credentials, like Ph.D. or M.D. and known affiliations

What’s a journal ?
A journal is a scholarly publication containing articles written by researchers, professors
and other experts. Journals focus on a specific discipline or field of study. Unlike
newspapers and magazines, journals are intended for an academic or technical
audience, not general readers
• Components of Journal Article

1. Abstract
Purpose to summarise the entire report for quick reading

2. Introduction
Purpose to state the research
problem/background, establish the hypothesis 3. Materials and Methods
Purpose to provide an extensive protocol for
4. Result your experiment which can be repeated by
Purpose to present your data in manner that is
easy to read and interpret 5. Discussion
Purpose to discuss the relationship between the
result and how it relate to your initial objectives
6. Conclusions and recommendation and hypotheses
Purpose to describe general the significance
your finding and any future implications
Component of analyzing article
1. Latar Belakang
1. Judul Artikel
• Alasan dilakukan penelitian
•Penelitian terdahulu

2. Rumusan Masalah
2. Penulis Artikel Masalah yang diangkat/tujuan

3. Metodologi
3. Tahun Terbit, Volume,
• metode penelitian
Edisi dan Halaman •Partisipan/sample

4. Hasil dan pembahasan

4. Penerbit Hasil : Resume tabel/grafik/narasi
Pembahasan : Temuan

6. Komentar 5. Kesimpulan dan saran

Kelebihan , Kekurangan, saran Simpulan : Cerminan/resume dari
pembaca hasil penelitian
Saran : Rekomendasi peneliti
How to step analyzing the article ?

Read as
2. Analisis Abstrak
1. 3. Analisis
Skimming/Scaning Pendahuluan
Abstrak merupakan resume dari
Bacalah artikel secara keseluruhan keseluruhan artikel sehingga
melalaui metode skimming dari mulai pembaca dapat melihat isi secara
judul hingga kesimpulan . Bila keseluruhan dengan membaca
terkendala terkait bahasa bisa abstrak
ditranslate terlebih dulu.

Analisis isi 4 Analisis Penutup 5

Berikan evaluasi 6
Example of analyze article

Link article jurnal

Link hasil analisis

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