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SMA Pradita Dirgantara

TISSUE (Jaringan)
• Tissue is composed of specialized cell of one type that perform a common
function in the body.
• There are 4 types of tissues : (1) Epithelial tissue, also called epithelium,
covers body surfaces and organs and liner body cavities; (2) Connective
tissues binds and support body part; (3) Muscular tissues for muscle
contraction and relaxation (4) Nervous tissues responds to stimuli and
transmits impulses from one body part to another.
• Note : Study of tissue is called Histology
(Jaringan Epitel), terdiri dari:
1. Simple Squamous Epithelium (Epitel Pipih
2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium (Epitel Kubus Selapis)
3. Simple Columnar Epithelium (Epitel Silindris
4. Stratified Squamous Epithelium (Epitel Pipih
Berlapis Banyak)
5. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium (Epitel Kubus
Berlapis Banyak)
6. Ciliated Pseudostratified Epithelium (Epitel
Silindris Berlapis Semu Bersilia)
7. Transitional Epithelium (Epitel Transisional)
8. Glandular Epithelium (Epitel Kelenjar:
Kelenjar eksokrin dan endokrin)
1. Simple Squamous Epithelium (Epitel pipih berlapis tunggal)

Single layer of flattened cells.

Main location:
Lining of blood and lymph vessels, heart, air sacs of
lungs, peritoneum.

Diffusion, filtration, secretion of lubricants

• Simple squamous epithelium lines the lungs where
oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged;
• Simple squamous epithelium lines the wall of
capillaries, where nutrients and wastes are
2. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium (Epitel Kubus Selapis)

Consist of single layer of cube-shaped cells attached to
basement membrane.

Main Location:
Ducts, secretory part of small glands (mammary and.
salivary glands), retina, kidney tubules, ovaries, testes,

Secretion and absorption.

Simple cuboidal epithelium lines most of kidneys tubules
absorbs substances, and in another part it secretes
substances into the tubule.
3. Simple Columnar Epithelium (Epitel Silindris Selapis)

Single layer of tall cells, free surface may have cilia, mucus secreting
glandular cells, microvilli.

Main Location:
Glands, ducts, gut, part of uterus, oviduct.

Secretion, absorption, ciliated types move substances.

A simple columnar epithelium line the intestines, secreting
digestive juice and absorbing nutrients.
4. Stratified Squamous Epithelium (Epitel Pipih Berlapis Banyak)

Several layer of cells, with only
the lower ones columnar and
metabolically active, division of lower cells
causes older ones to be pushed upward
toward surface, becoming flatter as they

Main Location:
Skin, mouth lining, vaginal lining.

Protection only, little or no absorption or
transit of materials, outer layer
continuously sloughed off and replaced
from below.
5. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium (Epitel Kubus Berlapis Banyak)

Made of two or more squarish cell layers.

Main Location:
Sweat glands, ovarian follicles

Protection, secretion
6. Ciliated Pseudostratified Epithelium (Epitel Silindris Berlapis Semu Bersilia)

A pseudostratified epithelium consists of a single
layer of cells varying in height and the position of
their nuclei.

Main Location:
Some respiratory passages including nasal-
cavities, trachea and its branches.

Secretion, protection, movement of mucus.
7. Transitional Epithelium (Epitel Transisional)
These cells are arranged in a stratified layer, but
they have the capability of appearing to pile up on
top of each other in a relaxed, empty bladder. As
the urinary bladder fills, the epithelial layer unfolds
and expands to hold the volume of urine
introduced into it. As the bladder fills, it expands
and the lining becomes thinner. In other words,
the tissue transitions from thick to thin.

Main Location:
Transitional or uroepithelial cells appear only in
the urinary system, primarily in the bladder and

8. Glandular Epithelium

A. Endocrine Glands
(ductless glands ) because
eventually, they lose their
They produce
hormones (chemical
messengers) and secrete
them by exocytosis into the
extracellular space. After
entering the
extracellular space, they
enter the blood or
lymphatic fluid and travel to
B. Exocrine Glands
Exocrine glands secrete
their products onto the skin
or into body cavities.
Unicellular exocrine
glands do this directly by
exocytosis, while
multicellular glands
transport their product
through a duct on the
epithelial surface. Products
secreted by exocrine
glands include sweat, oil,
mucous, bile, enzyme.
(Jaringan Penghubung), terdiri dari:
1. Areolar or Loose Connective Tissue (Jaringan
Ikat Longgar)
2. Dense Connective Tissue (Jaringan Ikat Padat)
3. Cartilage (Jaringan Tulang Rawan)
4. Bone (Jaringan Tulang Keras)
5. Blood (Jaringan Darah)
6. Lymph (Jaringan Limfa)
Connective Tissue
1. Areolar or Loose Connective Tissue (Jaringan Ikat Longgar)

• Location: Between muscle, beneath the skin, beneath almost epithelial layer
• Functions : Binds organs together
• Characteristic cell types : Fibroblast, macrophages, mast cell, fat cell
Connective Tissue
2. Dense or Fibrous Connective Tissue (Jaringan Ikat Padat)

• Location: Tendon, ligament, liver, dermis of skin.

• Function: Provide flexible, strong connections
• Characteristic Cell Type: Fibroblast
Connective Tissue
3. Cartilage (Kartilago)

• Location: Ear, nose, tracheal rings, spinal disks, knees and other joints.
• Function: Provides flexible support
• Characteristic Cell Type: Chondrocytes
Connective Tissue
4. Bone (Tulang keras)

(a) Compact bone is a dense matrix on the outer surface of bone. Spongy bone, inside the compact bone, is
porous with web-like trabeculae. (b) Compact bone is organized into rings called osteons. Blood vessels,
nerves, and lymphatic vessels are found in the central Haversian canal. Rings of lamellae surround the
Haversian canal. Between the lamellae are cavities called lacunae. Canaliculi are micro channels connecting
the lacunae together. (c) Osteoblasts surround the exterior of the bone. Osteoclasts bore tunnels into the
bone and osteocytes are found in the lacunae.
Connective Tissue
5. Adipose (Jaringan Lemak)

• Location: Beneath the skin, around the kidney and heart, in the breast
• Function: Insulation, fat storage
Connective Tissue
6. Blood (Jaringan Darah)

Blood is a connective tissue that has a fluid matrix, called plasma, and no fibers. Erythrocytes (red blood
cells), the predominant cell type, are involved in the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also present are
various leukocytes (white blood cells) involved in immune response.
(Jaringan Otot), terdiri dari:
1. Smooth Muscle (Otot Polos)
2. Skeletal Muscle (Otot lurik)
3. Cardiac Muscle (Otot Jantung)
Muscle Tissue
(Jaringan Saraf), terdiri dari:

1. Sensory neurons
2. Motor neurons
3. Interneurons
Three Types of Neurons

The brain and spinal cord form the

central nervous system (CNS) of
vertebrates, and sensory and motor
neurons form the peripheral nervous
system (PNS). Sensory neurons of
the peripheral nervous system carry
information about the environment
to the CNS. Interneurons in the CNS
provide links between sensory and
motor neurons. Motor neurons of
the PNS system carry impulses or
“commands” to muscles and
glands (effectors).
1. Sensory Neurons

• Location: Surface of skin, ear, eyes.

• Function: Receive information about body’s condition and external environment; send impulses
from sensory receptors to central nervous system.
2. Motor Neurons

• Location: Brain and spinal chord

• Function: Stimulate muscle and glands; conduct impulses out of central nervous system toward
muscle and glands
3. Interneurons

• Location: Brain and spinal chord

• Function: Integrate information; conduct impulses between neurons within central nervous system.


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