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• Release Year: 2010
• Genre: Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
• Director: Christopher Nolan
• Writer: Christopher Nolan
• Stars: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page

• In Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan, a dude named Cobb

invades people's dreams through a sci-fi dream sharing device and
extracts valuable information. Soon enough, Cobb (who's s
estranged from his kids) is asked by a businessman named Saito to
take on his biggest job yet: instead of stealing information, he's
going to implant it.
• I believe leaders and those in a leadership role can learn from Inception.
• A big part of a leadership role is preparing those around you for the future. Of course, the future is unknown.
• So how does a leader/boss/manager prepare those around him for an unknown and unpredictable future?
• If you guessed, “Inception,” you’re right. You get a gum ball.
• Leaders use stories to paint pictures of the future. It’s the same as setting goals. It’s the same as positive thinking.  Leaders paint
pictures of what’s to come.
• The idea is to create a story for those you lead and plant it inside their heads.
• A word of caution. Stories need to be told in much the same way as they are in the film Inception. They have to be believable.
Therefore, the leader knows he must paint a positive picture. Our minds will fill in the rest of the details. The leaders goal is to
prepare us for the unknown future by using a positive story.
• Steve Jobs might tell the story about the life-changing possibilities the iPhone 4 will bring to Apple’s customers. It’s THAT story
that inspires those working at Apple to go beyond the edge and create a remarkable product.
• If Steve’s story fails to convince the employees that the iPhone 4 will change lives, and instead his story is, “we’ll increase revenue
by 20% in this quarter,” or in other words, his words and story do not inspire them.  He fails.
• And here’s the worst part of it. If there’s no Inception – everyone of your employees is left in limbo. And limbo is forever.
• Wake up!

• The Team consists of the group assembled by Dominick Cobb when he is employed by Saito to
perform an inception on Robert Fischer. The members of the group were chosen by Cobb for their
exceptional ability, particularly given the difficult and almost unprecedented act of inception
what basic skills were looked upon was
while choosing the Team(A specialist team
• They board the helicopter with Saito while two thugs carry Nash
away to an uncertain fate. En route, Arthur explains to Saito the
nature of inception, telling him that simply planting an idea in
someone's head does not guarantee that the idea will take. The
subject may very well discover that the idea is not theirs and reject
it. True inspiration, Arthur claims, is impossible, despite Cobb's
thoughts otherwise. Saito shares with them his reasoning for the
job; he needs the CEO of a competing energy conglomerate to split
up his father's company, ensuring Saito's own Proclus Global
complete domination over the energy production industry. Despite
the daunting task, Cobb agrees to perform the job. Saito drops
them off at the airport and advises Cobb to choose his team wisely.
when their individual expertise
comes together).

• Finally, as obvious as this is! In business we do not have this luxury all the
time given resourcing challenges. Cobb knows the importance of this job,
and therefore gets a ‘world class’ team with specialist expertise – the
dream architect, impersonator, a chemist for sleep compound and his
trusted researcher Arthur. When the need for execution is paramount, with
minimal risk of failure, it is important that time is spent on choosing the
right team for change execution. Its my personal observation that too soon
leaders give up and compromise on assembling a competent team. A
specialist team - when their individual expertise comes together, it creates
an environment where ‘true inspiration’ can be fostered
What compensation structure was decided?

• Arthur knocks on the door and tells Cobb their ride is on the roof. Cobb decides
to fly to Buenos Aires to lie low in lieu of their failed job for Cobol while Arthur
says he's returning 'stateside'. Cobb asks him to send his regards as they open
the door to the helicopter and see Nash, beaten and bruised, and Saito waiting
for them. Apparently, Nash had tried to sell out Cobb and Arthur for his own
safety but Saito has other interests. He offers Cobb a job performing
'inception' for him, something Arthur claims is impossible. Cobb, however, says
that it's not impossible but extremely difficult since it involves planting an idea
in someone's mind rather than extracting one. He turns away, insisting that
he'll find a way to resolve relations with Cobol himself but Saito then asks him
if he wants to go home to his children in America. He promises Cobb that, if he
succeeds, all he will need to do is make a phone call and the charges keeping
Cobb out of the country will be dropped. Desperate, and to Arthur's
exasperation, Cobb accepts.
Define the
diversification was seen in the movie?

• A number of times, the business appeal is made in a crude manner (e.g. we

need to cut costs) whereas the same can be done by explicitly thinking of a
change strategy weaving in a genuine story

• Dominick Cobb is the best Extractor in the game, as he is hired by corporations to steal secrets they would otherwise never have access to. His level of expertise is such that

he is very well-known in the black market of individuals who are able to infiltrate people’s minds and extract information.

• Arthur is the team's Point Man. While Cobb plans and provides the direction of each job, Arthur's task focuses on the execution of the job, which includes researching the

details behind upcoming missions and ensuring that all team members know their roles. In the field, Arthur's role also includes improvising and adjusting the plan to protect

other team members and ensure the team's success.

• Ariadne is an Architect who designs the mazes that the dreams will use as their foundation, taking the opportunity offered by Cobb to create and build places that cannot

exist in reality. While in single level dreams, the Architect usually acts as the dreamer, Cobb intends for Ariadne only to design the mazes and only allows her to join the

team in the field in order to watch Cobb in case his subconscious threatens the safety of the team or the mission.

• Eames is known as a Forger because of his ability to physically impersonate anyone ("forging" their identity) when inside a dream. His skill is vital to the success of the

mission, as he can convince the Mark that he is anyone that the team needs him to be. To make the illusion convincing enough, Eames studies the traits, mannerisms, and

characteristics of the people he is tasked with impersonating.

• Yusuf is the team's Chemist. He creates the drugs (most notably customized Somnacin) that are used to sedate the sleepers and share dreams.

• Saito is the team's employer for their latest mission. He is referred to as a "Tourist" because, although he accompanies the team on their mission, he is (for the most part) an

observer, making sure that his intentions are carried out correctly
What motivation was showed for the
different characters in the movie?

• The reason Cobb is motivated to risk the dangers of inception is

because of grief and guilt involving his wife Mal (Marion Cotillard),
and their two children. More I will not (in a way, cannot) say.
Cotillard beautifully embodies the wife in an idealized way. Whether
we are seeing Cobb's memories or his dreams is difficult to say--
even, literally, in the last shot. But she makes Mal function as an
emotional magnet, and the love between the two provides an
emotional constant in Cobb's world, which is otherwise ceaselessly
How their motivations helped them achieve
the Goal?

• he goal of the mission was to achieve inception on Robert Fischer by

planting the idea of breaking up his father's empire into his mind, a
decision that would be beneficial to Saito's company, Proclus Global, and
to the world at large, as it would prevent the creation of another
"superpower" due to the company's widespread control of energy
What kind of
motivation is most inspirational for you?

• Believe in dreams
• One should believe in one’s dream.
• Every invention we use in our daily lives, computer, internet,
airplane etc was once a dream.
• At times, people may laugh at your dream but if we are
convinced the we can do it – we will be able to find some way to do
it. But if we are not convinced of our dream, we won’t be able to
achieve the desired goals. Many other words can be used
interchangeably with dream i.e. goal, vision, desire, destination etc.

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