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Presented by:
1. Barmensius Purba
2. Endah Nur Pertiwi
3. Khaerul Ulum
4. Muhammad Fajar Saputra
5. Retno Dwi Setyowati
Definition of Capital Punishment
• Capital punishment is the practice of executing someone
as punishment for a specific crime after a proper legal

• It can only be used by a state, so when non-state

organisations speak of having 'executed' a person they
have actually committed a murder.

• It is usually only used as a punishment for particularly

serious types of murder, but in some countries treason,
types of fraud, adultery and rape are capital crimes.
Type of Capital Punishment
These are the types of capital punishment in the world:

1. Hanging 4. Electrocution

2. Firing Squad 5. Gas Chamber

3. Beheading 6. Lethal Injection

Legal Process in Indonesian
• Prisoners spend often a long time in prison before their sentence is finally carried out. Usually their
final appeal has been exhausted through the trial court, two appellate courts, and consideration of
clemency by the President.

• Prisoners and their families are notified 72 hours in advance of their pending execution. They are
usually transferred to Nusa Kambangan island. They are woken up in the middle of the night and
taken to a remote (and undisclosed) location and executed by firing squad. The method has not
changed since 1964. The prisoner states their final request which the prosecutor may grant when
deemed feasible and do not obstruct the execution process.

• The blindfolded prisoner is led to a grassy area where they have an option to sit or stand. The armed
soldiers shoot at the prisoner from a range of five to ten metres, aiming at the heart. Only three fire
live bullets and the rest fire blanks. If the prisoner survives the shot, the commander is required to
shoot the prisoner in the head with his own weapon. The procedure is repeated until a doctor
confirms no signs of life remain.
Definition of Chemical Castraction
• Chemical Castraction is castration via anaphrodisiac drugs,
whether to reduce libido and sexual activity, to treat cancer,
or otherwise.

• Unlike surgical castration, where the gonads are removed

through an incision in the body, chemical castration does not
remove organs, nor is it a form of sterilization.

• Chemical castration is generally considered reversible when

treatment is discontinued,[citation needed] although
permanent effects in body chemistry can sometimes be
seen, as in the case of bone density loss increasing with
length of use of DMPA (depot medroxyprogesterone
back acetate).
The Purpose of Chemical Castraction
• Chemical castration is usually discussed in the context of
criminal justice policies regarding sex offenders, particularly
pedophiles, who may receive it as either a voluntary,
rehabilitative measure or as a punishment, depending on
where they are incarcerated.

• Chemical castration is important, however, in other

applications, such as treating prostate cancer, where continued
testosterone production can promote tumor growth.
Effects of Chemical Castraction

On Males: On Females:
• Reduced sex drive • Reduced sex drive
• Reduced compulsive sexual fantasies • Reduced sexual response
• Reduced sexual arousal • Deflate the breast glands
• Increase body fat • Increase the size of the nipple
• Reduced bone density • Shrinking bone mass
• Cardiovascular disease • Discoloration of the lips
• Osteoporosis • Reduced body hair
• Reduced muscle mass
Source: Wikipedia
Chemical Castraction in Indonesian
• On May 26’th, 2016, Indonesian Goverment has approve Chemical Castraction for
sexual offenders based on Law Number 17 Year 2016.
• The application Chemical Castraction are set on article 81 paragraph (7) Law Number 17
year 2016, “The sexual offenders are set on paragraph (4) and paragraph (5) can be
subject for chemical castration and installation tools electronic detector.”
• Punishment for sexual offenders are not only chemical
castraction, but also:
1. Penalty up to Rp.,- (article 81 Paragraph 1).
2. Jailed 5 years - 15 years (article 81 Paragraph 1).
3. Jailed 10 years - 20 years (article 81 Paragraph 5).*
4. Capital Punishment (article 81 Paragraph 5).*
*if the victim is more than one person, seriously injured, mental disorders, damaged or
lost reproductive function.
1. What is Capital Punishment?
2. Who can use the Capital Punishment?
3. What are examples of Capital Punishment?
4. What is Chemical Castraction?
5. What are the side effects of Chemical Castraction?
6. What is used in Chemical Castraction?

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