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Michael Beckwith’s

Stages of Spiritual
Region’s Premier University of Choice
Region’s Premier University of Choice
Shift toward the next
level of consciousness to
find answers, solutions,
and ideas that are waiting
to be unlocked

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Stage 1
Victim Consciousness

Region’s Premier University of Choice

The first stage in our spiritual path on earth is
called “victim consciousness” and it is where you
function based on the belief “life happens to me.”

Region’s Premier University of Choice

You feel powerless and defeated because life’s
events happen to you and external factors determine
your joy, your success, your prosperity, your destiny.
You perceive life as painful and unfair, filled with
people and circumstances that prevent you from
having the life experience you want.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

In this stage, positive growth happens when you let go
of blame, which results in taking personal responsibility.
A catalyst to this growth is either pain or insight. You
get sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, but rather
than continuing to ask “Why me?,” you seek a window of
possibilities through becoming active agent in your own

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Stage 2
Manifestor Consciousness

Region’s Premier University of Choice

The second stage of spiritual growth is called
“manifestation consciousness,” and it is where you
function with the belief “I happen to life.”

Region’s Premier University of Choice

You understand your role in life and our ability to
influence, attract, and manifest what you see.  You
take on the empowering identity of a powerful creator
who works with preestablished laws to design life

Region’s Premier University of Choice

In the manifester stage, because it can be also a
manipulative stage, where you use your imagination,
visualization, affirmations, and thoughts to alter your
reality, positive growth happens when you are willing to
let go of control.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Stage 3
Instrument Consciousness

Region’s Premier University of Choice

The third stage of the spiritual path is called
“channeling consciousness,” and it is where you function
in the belief “I am a vessel.”
You go beyond “making things happen” to “making
things welcome,” and open yourself up to let God use
you as an instrument and a conduit.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

You surrender, yield, and release to the grace and
power that flows within you. You allow the next step
of your spiritual evolution to unfold and emerge, you are
open to receive that which is beyond your imagination.
You sincerely ask “What would you have me do?”

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Issue with what is called “blind faith (to have a
passive role in her life, waiting for “improbable

Region’s Premier University of Choice

This is what Michael Beckwith explained in this regard:

It’s not blind faith, but it’s based upon the inner work that
you’ve done on stage two, you can relax into it. You can let it.
And then you find yourself having more and more insights, having
revelations, having a level of wisdom and guidance and direction—
not coming from your planning mind, not coming from figuring
something out, but more intuition is being activated. There’s an
allowing state—you become more of a vehicle for something to
Region’s Premier University of Choice
Because you feel a part of something greater than
yourself, positive growth in this stage happens when we
are willing to let go of separation. It’s what people talk
about when they say LET GO and LET GOD.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

This is a “thy will be done” prayer, or “this or
something better.” Knowing that you don’t know what
you don’t know is liberating and helps you not lean on
your own understanding or get in your own way.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Stage 4
One Consciousness

Region’s Premier University of Choice

The fourth and final stage of spirituality is called
“being consciousness,” and where you function with
the belief “I am one.”

Region’s Premier University of Choice

In this stage, you feel a sense of “at ONEment,” you
feel your divinity and your connectedness with God and
with everyone, and you see your life as an expression of
God. The personal sense of separation begins to dissolve.

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Sometimes, an individual do not quite get this stage
until one day the words of Jesus will sound a little
different: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30 ).
You start to see that intention everywhere in these
writings and to connect with these words at a soul

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That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in
me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in
us…” (John 17:21)

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Every one of us is at a different stage at different
times and in different areas of life. The stage we find
ourselves in determines how we view life, how we view
ourselves, and what decisions we make. This spiritual
technology is helpful to make motherhood a more positive
experience and to raise our kids in a more empowering

Region’s Premier University of Choice

Region’s Premier University of Choice

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