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Hello! 999?

You see an advertisement with the title
Be Prepared! Be Safe! What do you think
it is about?
Answer the questions.
1. What is the main aim of the course?
The main aim of the course is to teach children ways to protect themselves
during emergencies.
2. To benefit fully from the course, what skills should the children who attend it
The children should have speaking skills and writing skills to participate in the
3. Fariz is interested in the course. He calls up Encik Azhar to ask for more
information. What questions will he most likely ask?
Fariz will most likely ask Encik Azhar about the date and venue of the course.
What should you do if you are trapped in
the lift?


Firstly, stay calm and do not panic. If
you panic, you will not be able to
think clearly. So, take deep breaths
and tell yourself to relax.


Next, call for help. Look for the alarm
button and press it. You can also use a
mobile phone to call for help. It is important
to tell the person clearly where you are.



After calling for help, wait calmly and patiently for
help to come. While waiting to be rescued, do not try to
open the door. Do not jump up and down to try to get
the lift to move. Sit on the floor so that you do not fall if
the lift moves suddenly.
Homework: English A
Copy the sentences in three paragraphs. Do inside your English A.

Friday 22nd May 2021

Unit 6: Give a talk to the class on what to do if someone is trapped in a lift.
Good morning teacher and friends. Today, I am going to tell you about
______________ if you were trapped in a lift.
First, ______________________________. …………………………………….
Next, _____________________________.
That’s all from me. Thank you.
Workbook page

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