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High-Card Points
Playing Trumps

Lesson 2
High-Card Points (hcp)

4 hcp
3 hcp
2 hcp
Spades – 6 hcp
Jack Hearts – 0 hcp
1 hcp Diamonds – 5 hcp
Clubs – 1 hcp
Total – 12 hcp
There is a total of 40 hcp in the deck
Lesson 2:2 THE #1 MIND SPORT
Bidding in Minibridge
North, the dealer, starts by announcing his number of hcp.
Then each player in turn tells about theirs.
North dealer
North-South have more points
Opening leader combined and will play the
12 p
Syd has more points in the pair
10 p and becomes declarer.
14 p
North becomes dummy.
South West becomes opening leader.

Lesson 2:3 THE #1 MIND SPORT

We can also play with trumps!

We can also decide that one of the suit

will be trumps. More about this later.

The trump suit receives a higher rank

than the other suits.

When you do not have any cards in the

suit lead (diamonds), you can play a
spade (trump) and win the trick.

This is called ruffing!

Lesson 2:4 THE #1 MIND SPORT

Bidding with or without Trumps
Dummy puts his cards face down
in the table.

Declarer decides whether to

play with or without trumps.

With at least eight cards in a suit,

Declarer declarer will choose this suit to be
the trump suit.

Declarer chooses spades as trumps.

Lesson 2:5 THE #1 MIND SPORT

Playing Trumps
After the opening lead, dummy faces his
Opening leader cards, with trumps to his right.

The play in trumps is similar to the play

in notrump.

Declarer normally wants to draw the

defenders’ trumps as soon as he can.

This stops the defenders from ruffing

declarer’s high cards.

Lesson 2:6 THE #1 MIND SPORT

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