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Defining Crisis

Crisis in PR perspective, crisis as a

condition or situation that can have
negative impact to reputation,
credibility, brand or individual (Debra
Davenport, 2020)
Crisis management is a process of
Crisis communications is
strategic planning for a crisis or negative
turning point. the dialog between the
organization and its public(s)
A process that removes some of the risks
and uncertainty from the negative prior to, during, and after the
occurrence and thereby allows the negative occurrence.
organization to be greater control of its
The dialog details strategies
own destiny (Fearn-Banks, 2011, p. 2).
and tactics designed to
Crisis management, at the time of crisis,
minimise damage to the
involves making arrangements to take
pressure off decision makers, so that they organization’s image.
can concentrates on the immediate tasks (Fearn-Bannks, 2011, p. 2).
involved in managing the crisis
(White & Mazur, 1995).
Theory As Models And Procedures
(Steve Mackey, 2015 )

in crisis communication /crisis PR advice to
separate out 3 chronological period :
 First, pre crisis period
 Crisis response
 Post crisis period
Pre Crisis

Crisis communication concentrates on locating and reducing risk

 Memberikan informasi kepada stakeholder tentang potensi krisis,
agar resisten terhadap reaksi atau pemberitaan negatif dari media
 Ranking threats
 The crisis team
 Training for crisis communication
 Facilities needed.
Crisis Response

1. Do everything to protect victim (Coombs, 2009)

 Protecting people – emotional wellbeing and physical
 Protection of legal, livelihood, environmental , financial
and other interest of those effected.
2. Corporate with authorities
 Police, emergency services, legal, financial authorities,
 Industry such as the petroleum ang gas must corporate
with emergency services in disaster planning
3. Monitor the crisis

1. Asses PR damage
• Menghubungi publik yang terkena dampak krisis.
• PR profesional memberitahu kepada publik dan
melakukan segala sesuatu untuk menjaga hubungan

2. Devise a recovery program.

3. Review crisis response
• Melakukan review atas apa yang telah dilakukan
selama krisis untuk dijadikan pedoman.
• Melakukan analisis apa yang berhasil pada saat krisis
dan apa yang harus dilakukan lebih baik.

4. Possible strategic changes

Crisis communication Risk communication

 involves the sending and receiving  In practice Risk communication most

often involves the production of public
of messages to prevent and lessen
messages regarding health risk and
the negative outcomes of crisis and
environmental hazard
thereby protect the organization,
stakeholders and/or industry from  Risk communicaton as the exchange of
damage (Coombs, 1999) information and opinion among
individuals group, groups and institutions
( National Research Council, 1989).
Crisis Communication Risk communication
 Is associated with the
 Typically is associated with
identification of risks to
PRs and is grounded in the public health and
efforts to strategically efforts to persuade the
manage and frame public public adopt more
perceptions of an event so healthy, less risky
that harm is reduced for both behaviours (Freitmuth
organization and, 2000)
stakeholders  Such as : Public campaign
regarding HIV, Vaccines,
infectious diseases,
Natural disaster, etc
Crisis Communication Risk Communication
 Messages about crisis,  Risk Messages concern
typically concern both what the probabilities of some
is known and what is not harm and associated
known about specific methods for reducing the
ebvent. probability of the harm
 Mesasages focus more  Pricipally persuasive, I.e :
directly on informing than advertising, public
persuading. education campaign.
 Mediated : press  Mediated : commercials,
conference, pres release, ads brochures,
speeches, websites, etc phamphlets, etc
Working Model Of CERC

1.Pre- crisis
2.Initial event
1. Precrisis (Risk messages; Warning;

Communication and education campaign targeted to both

the public and response the communicaty to facilitate :

 Monitoring and recognition of emerging risks

 General public understanding of risk
 Public prepariation for possibility of an adverse event
 Changes in behaviour to reduce the likelihood of harms
 Specific warning messages regarding some eminent threat
 Alliances and cooperatin with agencies, organization ad groups
 Development of consensual recommendation by expert
 Messages development.
2. Initial Event (uncertainty reduction; Self-
efficacy; Reassurance)
Rapid communication to the general public and to affected
groups seeking , to establish:
 Empathy, reassurance, and reduction in emotional turmoil
 Designated crisis / agency spokespersons and formal channels and
 methods of communication
 General and broad-based understanding of the crisis circumstances,
 consequences, and anticipated outcomes based on available
 Information
 Reduction of crisis-related uncertainty
 Specific understanding of emergency management and medical
 community responses
 Understanding of self-efficacy and personal response activities
(how where to get more information)
3. Maintenance (Ongoing Uncertainty;
self-efficacy; Reassurance
More accurate public understandings of ongoing risks
 Understanding of background factors and issues
 Broad-based support and cooperation with response and recovery
 Efforts
 Feedback from affected publics and correction of any
 Misunderstandings/ rumors
 Ongoing explanation and reiteration of self-efficacy and personal
 response activities (how/where to get more information) begun in Stage II.
 Informed decision making by the public based on understanding of
 Risks/benefits
4. Resolution (Updates Regarding Resolution;
Discussions about cause and New Risk/New
Understanding Of Risk

Public communication and campaigns directed toward the

general public and affected groups seeking to:

 Inform and persuade about ongoing clean-up, remediation, recovery,

 and rebuilding efforts.
 Facilitate broad-based, honest, and open discussion and rsolution of isues
regarding cause, blame, responsibility, and eduquacy of response.
 improve./create public understanding of new risks and new understanding
of risk as well as new risk avoidance behaviours and response procedures.
 Promote the activities and capabilities of agencies and organizations to
reinforce positive corporate identity and image.
5. Evaluation (Discussion Of Adequacy Of Response;
Concensus About Lessons and New Understanding

Communication directed toward agencies and the response

community to:

 Evaluate and assess responses, including communication

 Document, formalize, and communicate lessons learned
 Determine specific actions to improve crisis communication
and crisis response capability
 Create linkages to precrisis activities (Stage I)
Coronavirus pandemic has changed our
everyday lives
Causing high uncertainty in the market and among customers

Emergency Worry for own Home serves as Contingency plan

measures and family health an office and for customer’s
declared in all and safety school/kindergar business
countries continuity and

No face to face Potential delays in Terminations of Worry for

meeting with major initiatives customer work and
customers by customer assignment company

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