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Types of Functions

1. single valued and multiple valued function :- when a function has only
only value corresponding to each independent variable, it is called single
valued function is having 2 and more values corresponding to each
independent variable, it is called multiple valued function .
ex:- y= x (single valued function)
2. Implicit and exploit functions:- a function expressed directly in terms of the
independent variable X , is said to be explicit functions.
Ex:- y= 2x+3
y= x^2-5x+6
Where as, if there is a mutual relationship between 2 variables written
in the form f(x,y)= 0 and either variable determines the other, the
function is said to be an implicit function of x and y.
Ex :- 2x-3y=0
3. polynomial function:- a function F is defined for all values of
x in the domain of F and given by f(x)= a0+a1x+……+anxn
Where a1, a2, a3, … = constants.
‘n’ is a non – negative integer.
Is called polynomial function of degree ‘n’ .
(i) If n=0 f(x) = a2 is called polynomial function of degree
zero or a constant function .
Ex :- y=f(x)=2.
(ii) If n=1 f(x)= a0+a1x+a2x^2(a1 is not equal to 0) is
called a polynomial of degree 1 or linear function or
normal function.
Ex:- y= f(x)= 2+3x .
(iii) if n=2 f(x) = a0+a1x+a2x^2(a2 is not equal to 0) is called a polynomial function of degree 2 or a

quadratic function or 2nd degree function.

ex :- y= f(x) = x^2+4x-5.

(a3 is not equal to 0) is called

(iv) If n=3 f(x)= a0+a1x+a2x^2+a3x^3

polynomial functions of degree 3 or cubic function.

ex:- y= f(x)= x^5-3x^2+4x+5.
If n=4 f(x)= a0+a1x+a2x^2+a3x^3+a4x^4(a4+0) is called
a polynomial function or 4th degree function.
ex:- f(x)= 3x^4-5x^3+2x^2-6x+7
4. Power function :- a function in the form y=f(x)=x^2 where
n is constant is called power function .
ex:- y=x^2
y= 5x^100
5. Identity function:- a function f defined by y = f(x)=x is
called an identity functions obviously.

6. Rational function:- a function is defined by (r)h = f(x)[g(x)]

where, f(x), g(x), and g(x) is not equal to 0 are polynomial
functions is called a rational function .
y= x^2+4=x-2.
7. Irrational function :- algebraic functions which aren’t
rational is called irrational function .

8. Modulus functions :- for each real no . x, if |x| denotes

the absolute values or modulus of x .
ex :- |x|=x if x>0
|x|=0 if x= 0
|x|= -x if x<0
9. Monotone function :- when the dependent variable increases
with an increase in the independent variable, it is called
monotonically increasing function [ a function y = f(x)] . A function
y= f(x) is called monotonically increasing function in an interval if a
larger value of X gives a larger value of y i.e, an increase in X in the
interval causes an increase in y in the interval .
A function y = f(x) is called monotonically decreasing function in
an interval if a increase in a value of X causes a decrease in the
value of the function in the interval .
ex:- supply function is a monotonically increasing function of
the price .
q^3= 2+3p
Demand function is a monotonically decreasing function of price.
q^d = 20- 5p.
10. Composite function:- if y =f(u) and u =g(x) then y =
f[g(x)] is called function of function or composite function.
ex:- v = f[g(r)].
11. Even and odd functions:- (i) if a function f(x) is such that
f(x)= + f(x) or f(x) then it is said to be an even function of x.
ex:- y= x^2
(ii) If a function f(x) is said that f(x) = - f(x) then it is said to
be odd function of X .
ex:- y= -x
12. Inverse function :- if y = f(x) defined an inverval (a,b) is
such that we can express x as a function of y i.e, 1y (or)
g(x) = [ f^-1(y)] .
ex:- y = f(x) = 2x+3.
Then x = g(y) = |2x+3| is the inverse function .

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