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Iqra Shahzad

Roll no. 72

 D e s i g n e d to identify individuals with
i dysfunction or perceptual disorders
involving hand and eye coordination.

 P o p u l a t i o n : Children and
 S c o r e s : Raw scores, Accuracy
 T i m e : (10-15) minutes
 A u t h o r : Richard L. Slosson
 P u b l i s h e r : Slosson
Educational Publications

 T h e Slosson Drawing Coordination
Test (SDCT) is a supplement to the Slosson
Intelligence Test (SIT). It can be given
individually or in groups.

 E a c h drawing is scored either “plus” when
all lines are contained in the drawing, and or
“minus” when the elements are
distorted. The raw score is the total number of
“minus” drawings. The Accuracy score is a
percentage score for errors at a certain age,
and is obtained from a table in the manual.


 T h e reliability coefficient was .96 for test-
retest reliability on a sample ranging from 4
to 52 years, tested at the beginning and the
end of the same session. Inter-scorer
reliability is high, as scoring rules have been

 T h e goal of this test is to screen our individuals
with serious forms of brain
damage. Individuals with emotional or mental
disturbances, those lacking motivation, or those
with vision impairments may also show an
abnormal degree of distortion on this test.

 T h e r e are also brain dysfunctions that do
not involve eye-hand coordination, so this
SDCT should be used in coordination with
the SIT to strengths and weaknesses may be
determined from the analysis of scatter.
Qualitative validation research involved
testing individuals who were known to be
brain damaged.

 N o r m s have been established for each age
level and for each figure. Norms have been
established for groups reflecting the
individual’s gender, age, dexterity, artistic
ability, vision defects and disorganizing
emotional or mental illness.
Suggested use

 T h e SCDT can be used in conjunction with
the Slosson Intelligence Test. It can be used to
identify individuals with various forms of
brain dysfunction of perceptual disorders
where eye-hand coordination is involved.

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