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First American To Orbit

Xin and Sam
1. This topic is social and historical context. During the space race, which occurred in the 1950’s to 60’s, there
was a high tension in the relationship between USSR and the US as they tried to surpass each other in
terms of technological advancements. Socially, this event greatly promoted values of nationalism.
2. The topic includes America’s first man in Orbit. It includes the people first selected test pilots hand-picked
from the military. They form the group called the Mercury Seven (including John Glenn). John Glenn was
the first man from America to Orbit the Earth on February 1962 on the Friendship 7 Mission.
3. The topic happened from 1959 to 1962. John Glenn orbited the Earth on February, 1962. Being able to
send a man to space was a demonstration of power, as it is a proof of technological advancement, which
can improve to the development of weapons.
4. The space race occurred between the Soviet Union and America. The launch site of the Friendship 7 was
specifically Cape Canaveral, Florida. Because the Soviets achieved this before the US did, it showed that the
US pulled even and caught up with the Soviets.
5. This happened as part of the space race - US versus the Soviets for technology and power. Tension was
building between the two countries as they competed against each other. Values such as nationalism and
striving for power were supported whereas values such as global peace or acceptance were challenged.
Who? When? Where? On what spacecraft?
• John Hershel Glenn Jr.
• A U.S. Marine Corps lieutenant colonel
• Flew almost 150 combat missions during WWII and the Korean War

• Launched from Cape Canaveral

• 9:47am, February 20th 1962
• Aboard the Friendship 7
When he reached space…
• Glenn radioed back to America:
• “Capsule is turning around. Oh, that view is tremendous.”
• Glenn noticed small, firefly-like particles flying past outside his window
which turned out to be crystallised water vapour from the air conditioning
• Automatic control system malfunction after the 1st orbit
• Switched to manual control
• End of 3rd orbit, mission control received a signal informing of a possible
loose heat shield on the base of the capsule
• Mission control decided to keep the spacecraft’s retrorockets on during re-
entry to save Glenn from being incinerated
During the incinerating re-entry…
• Glenn lost radio contact due to shrouds of ions caused by excessive
friction enveloping the spacecraft
• Glenn witnessed burning retrorocket parts fly past his window during
• He laded in the Atlantic Ocean and regained radio contact after 4
• First words when he exited the shuttle:
• “It was hot in there.”
Many years later…
• Glenn became the oldest living human to travel in space (1998, age
• He will be remembered forever in history for being the first American
to orbit the Earth

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