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CLASS 12th

Chapter 1
(Variations in psychological attributes)
Topics :
Individual differences :
Variations among people’s characteristics and behavioural
Situationism :
Influence of situational factors on behavior.
Assessment :
.1st step in understanding psychological attributes
.Evaluation using multiple methods
.Types of assessment
(formal, informal, standerdised & objective)
Assessment methods :

Psychological testing (standardised & objective

Interview (one to one basis)
Case study (in depth study)
Self report (factual info. about herself/himself)
Domains of psychological attributes
(complex and multidimensional)

Aptitude (potential)
Personality (relatively enduring characteristics)
Interest (preference)
Values (enduring beliefs)
Intelligence :
“Power of perceiving, learning, understanding &
knowing” - Oxford Dictionary.
“The ability to judge well, understand well and reason
well” - Alferd Binet.
“Global and aggregate capacity to think rationally, act
purposefully, and to deal effecively with his/her
environment. - Wechsler.
Some psychologists suggested that intelligent people
not just to adapt environment but also to modify or
shapes it.
Psychometric Approach
Information Processing Approach
Nature and nurture :
Evidence for hereditary influences on intelligence
studies in adopted children and twins.
-Correlation between children who:
 Identical twins reared together – 0.90
 Identical twins reared separately – 0.72
 Fraternal twins reared together – 0.60
 Siblings reared together – 0.50
 Siblings reared apart – 0.25
-It is reported in studies that as children grow closer to that of their
adoptive parents.
-There is a general consensus among psychologists that intelligence
is a product of complex interaction of heredity(nature) and
Assessment of intelligence
Alfred binet and Theodore Simon in 1905, gave the
concept of mental age.
Mental Age (MA) and Chronological age (CA).
In 1912, William Stern, a German psychologist, devised
the concept of
Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
IQ= MA/CA × 100
Normal curve
Intellectual deficiency
As per American association on mental deficiency (AAMD)
Mental retardation refers to:
• Significantly sub average intellectual functioning
• Deficits in adaptive behavior
• Observed during the development periods

- Different levels of retardation:

 Mild retardation IQ – 55-69
 Moderate retardation IQ – 40-54
 Severe retardation IQ – 25-39
 Profound retardation IQ – BELOW 25
Intellectual giftedness
Show higher performance
Study begin in 1925, by LEWIS TERMAN
Giftedness is combination of 'Triple H'

High creativity,
High ability,
and High commitment.
Types of intelligence tests
Individual or group tests
Performance, Verbal or non verbal tests
Objective and subjective tests
Power or speed test
Culture fair and culture biased tests
Culture and intelligence
Technological intelligence (western)
- skills of attention, performence, speed, achievement
Integral intelligence (Indian)
• Cognitive capacity (problem solving, understanding, etc)
• Social competence (respect, hepl needy, etc.)
• Emotional competence (polietness, self moniter,
regulate, etc.)
• Entrepreneurial competence (commitment, hard work)
Emotional intelligence
 Ability to monitor one’s own and other’s emotions, to
discriminate among them, and use the info. to guide
one’s thinking and actions.
EQ is used to express emotional intelligence in the
same way as IQ is used to express intelligence.
Special abilities :
Aptitude (potential)
Interest (preference)
Creativity (production of something new)
Creativity and intelligence
• IQ doesn’t affect creativity and vise versa
• Both can be found in same person with different
levels of each.
• Relationship is positive between both. (chances)
• Creative tests are open ended and vice versa.
• Intelligence tests involves convergent thinking and
creative involves divergent.
etc.. etc..
Topics Covered
Individual diffrences
Psychological attributes
Intelligence and its theories.
Nature & nurture's role, IQ, normal curve, MR and G
Types of intelligence tests
Culture's role in Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence
Creativity and Intelligence.
WHOLE CHAPTER IS COVERED! Now, all up to you!

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