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   What if we move to Australia? 

  Is it difficult for us to accomodate
to the climate in the south
Australia is a unique and diverse
country in every way - in culture,
population, climate, geography,
and history. Australian culture is as
broad and varied as the country's
landscape. Australia is
multicultural and multiracial and
this is reflected in the country's
food, lifestyle and cultural
practices and experience.
Australia has an important
heritage from its indigenous
people, which plays a defining role
in the cultural landscape.
As of December 2014, Australia's population is roughly
23.6 million people. The most populous states are New
South Wales and Victoria, with their respective
capitals, Sydney and Melbourne, the largest cities in
Australia's population is concentrated along the
coastal region of Australia from Adelaide to Cairns,
with a small concentration around Perth, Western
Australia. The centre of Australia is sparsely
The majority of Australia experiences temperate
weather for most of the year.
The northern states of Australia are typically warm
all the time, with the southern states experiencing
cool winters but rarely sub-zero temperatures.
Snow falls on the higher mountains during the
winter months, enabling skiing in southern New
South Wales and Victorian ski resorts, as well as the
smaller resorts in Australia's island state,
Australia is an island continent and the world's
sixth largest country (7,682,300 sq km).
Lying between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the
country is approximately 4,000 km from east to
west and 3,200 km from north to south, with a
coastline 36,735 km long.
Canberra is Australia's capital city. With a
population of approximately 380,000 people and
situated in the Australian Capital Territory,
Canberra is roughly half way between the two
largest cities Melbourne and Sydney.
Australia has 19 listed World Heritage properties.
Australia is also famous for its landmark buildings
including the Sydney Harbour Bridge; its ancient
geology, as well as for its high country.
What is the Southern Hemisphere?
The Southern Hemisphere is the half sphere of Earth
 which is south of the Equator. It contains all or parts of
five continents (Antarctica, Australia, about 90% of 
South America, the southern third of Africa, and several
southern islands off the continental mainland of Asia),
four oceans (Indian, South Atlantic, Southern, and 
South Pacific) and most of the Pacific Islands in Oceania
. Its surface is 80.9% water, compared with 60.7%
water in the case of the Northern Hemisphere, and it
contains 32.7% of Earth's land.
Many Ukrainians travel on winter holidays.
Among the most popular tourist
destinations are snow-capped Carpathians
or hot Egypt. In order to return after a
holiday of full strength and vital energy, it
is necessary to pass the process of
acclimatization - the adaptation of the - headache
organism to changing climatic conditions.
- insomnia

- digestive disorders

- blood pressure drop

According to the doctor, the period of

acclimatization for adults is 5-7 days, and for
children - about 14 days, so it is better to plan a
vacation for at least two weeks. The hottest
adaptation to the new place is the elderly and
1. Restrict physical activity
What is more, the famous therapist Natalia Gordienko before and during the first days
noticed that the most important things to adjust to of the journey.
the changes of climate are:
2. Regular meals. Do not overdo
the exotic dishes.

3. Drink lots of water.

4. Correctly dress (warm clothes

for rest in the mountains and
light free clothes with long
sleeves - in warm countries).

5. If the trip involves changing

the time zone, the new time
should go gradually.
1. Do you like spontaneous decisions and can easily
accomodate to different situations?

2. If in one day you will have an opportunity to go

somewhere, what country you will choose?

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