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Novriha Krida Anugrah Ilahi

11170170000055/Pendidikan Matematika-5B

Sequences are numbers, arranged in lines according to
certain formulas, so that the numbers have the same
grouping to be developed.

A sequence is a function whose domain is a set of natural

numbers ℕ and the range is a subset of real number ℝ.
Generally, we can write as follows: , , ,..., ,…
1. 1, 4, 9,16, 25, .... is a function from ℕ to ℝ which formula is () ∈

2. 1, 8, 27, 64, …. is a function from ℕ to ℝ which formula is () ∈ ℕ
3. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, … is a function of odd number


Type of sequences
1 2 3 4
Divided into
four viz
Finite and Fibonacci Arithmatic Geometric
infinite sequences Sequence Sequence

Finite and infinite sequence
• If the domain is finite, the sequence called a finite
• Otherwise, if the domain is infinite, the sequence called a
ifinite sequence
Fibonacci Sequences
  sequence is a sequence in which next term
ARITHMATIC obtained by adding its previous term with a number d,
called difference.
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ... is arithmatic sequence with first term
is 3 and difference is 3.

Formula to find the nth term is

= nth term
a = first term
n = n term
d= difference
Geometric Sequence
  Sequence is a sequence in which next term obtained by multiplying
its previous term with a number r, called ratio

7, 14, 28, 56, ….. Is geometric sequence with first term is 7 and ratio is 2
Formula to find the nth term is

nth term
a = first term
r = ratio
The difference between sequences and
series are + and – signs.
Series are numbers, placed according to certain
What’s the operational power, not mathematical power
difference between
Sequences and
series? Example:
1. 1+3+5+7+9+⋯⇒ Arithmatic series
2. 1+3+9+27+81+⋯⇒ Geometric series
3. 1!+2!+3!+4!+5!+⋯⇒ Series of factorial case
Formula to find the sum of the sequences (series)
Arithmatic series Geometric series
•   •   =, for r > 1
Sn = Sum of nth term
a = first term =, for r < 1
Un = nth term
Sn = Sum of nth term
a = first term
r = ratio
  Once upon a time, a man did a favor to a king that made the king very happy.
Out of joy the king told the man to wish for anything and he would be granted. The
man wanted to ask for the whole kingdom which was worth 1500 trillion dollars,
but obviously that would make the king mad and he would never be granted that
wish. Add a Slide
The man who happened to be a mathematician thought a little bit and said the Title - 2
"Bring in a big piece of rug with an 8 × 8 grid in it. Starting from the top left square,
put one dollar in that square. Put two dollars in the square next to it and then
double of that, four dollars, in the next square and so on. When you reach the end of
the first row, continue on to the next row, doubling the amount every time as
you move to the next square, all the way until the square
at the bottom right."

The king thought for a second. The first square will take one
dollar, the second two dollars, the third four dollars, and next 8 dollars,
and then 16 dollars, and then 32 dollars, 64 dollars, 128
dollars, 256 dollars, and so on. That's not too bad. I can do it.
The king agreed. What happened next?
Use formula to find the sum of the sequences (series)

=, for r > 1

n = 64

= 18. 446. 744. 073. 709. 551. 615
The amount is much higher than the total worth of the
kingdom which is 1500 trillion dollars).

Hence the king will go bankrupt way sooner than reaching the
last square and the man will be the new king.
  are 64 squares. In the first square the king puts $1, in the second
he puts $2, in the third he puts $4, and so on. In general, in the nth
square he puts dollars. In the last square which is square, he puts = $9,
223, 372,036,854,775,808 dollars,
And the sum of the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ..., =2n−1, so overall the
king would be putting in = $18, 446, 744, 073, 709, 551, 615 dollars, if he
had that kind of money that is (this amount is much higher than the total
worth of the kingdom which is 1500 trillion dollars).
Hence the king will go bankrupt way sooner than reaching the last square
and the man will be the new king.

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