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Features of CV
Present by group 6
1. Adisty Nurbani Setiono
2. Amira Puji Hastuti
3. Fauzia Hassena Qoriatuzzahra
4. Fira Arsena
5. Ratu Badriyah Alliyah
6. Yasinta Maharani
Clear & Simple
Every word should count. Spend time reviewing
and revising, including coming back to it across
several days to see if you can prune it more.
Give it to others also to check that anyone can
read and understand it.Jargon may be needed for
technical jobs, for example in listing experience
in software systems.
Be careful to ensure accurate grammar. Nothing
puts a recruiter off faster than weak language
Be consistent throughout the document, keeping
a consistent style, including use of fonts, words
and layout.
Keywords 1
Indicators of Problem
show that you have taken on significant
challenges. example: challenge, significant,
critical, etc.

Indicators of Process
describe your skills.example: research,
manage, innovate, etc.

Indicators of Success
indicate that you’ve completed a task.
example: succeed, complete, finish, etc.
Keywords 3
Technical Words
important to include if you have particular
skills in given technologies or methodologies.
example: PHP, Python, C++, etc

Qualifications and Membership


recruiters may be looking for specific

qualification levels and subject. example: BA,
MBA, M.Sc, etc.
Using Simple Present Tense and
Future Tense
Use the future tense for suggesting solutions to
We use the simple present tense problems the job, your goals or objective section.
when it refers to current or The future tense is a verb tense used for a future
ongoing actions—either activity or a future state of being. 
something you're doing right now,
or that you do repeatedly For example, suppose it’s January, and you’re applying
for a summer internship. In that case, you might want
to let recruiters know that you will be completing a
Formula :
class during the spring semester that will make you
Subject + main verb + object even more qualified for the position. Using the future
tense could help you explain this.
Example: Develop curriculum for
K-12 environmental program. The formula for the simple future is will + [root form
of verb].
There are always exceptions to the rules given above thought you should
consider carefully when you think it is appropriate.
Some examples where it may be appropriate to :
-Using informal language for creative jobs and where you need to show more
-Deep technical detail for deep technical jobs.
Reflection A neat trick is to look at the job
description and pull out words and
Words phrases that you can reflect back to
them in your application. This may
mean removing the 'key' words you
use and apply those used by your
prospective employer. for example
changing 'sold' to 'met sales targets'.
Thank You

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