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Computer System Servicing / Cisco

of Computer
- according to Wikipedia, A computer is a
machine that can be instructed to carry out
sequences of arithmetic or logical operations
automatically via computer programming.
Modern computers have the ability to follow
generalized sets of operations, called programs.
- basically define as a multi-purpose electronic
device that is capable of handling commands;
that accepts input, processes data, produces
output and stores information for later
retrieval, all according to series of instructions.
Four Operations of Computer

1. Input – computer accepts command/ instruction/

2. Process – computer processes command/
instruction/ data
3. Output – computer produces/displays information
4. Store – computer stores information for later
Computer System
- is a basic, complete and functional
computer, including all the hardware and
software required to make it functional for
a user.
-  a "complete" computer including the
hardware, the operating system (main
software), and peripheral equipment
required and used for "full" operation can
be referred to as a computer system
Modernized Commercial Computer System
Different Types of Computer
Computer is one of the greatest inventions of man
and it has seen many changes in functions, memory
space, size and portability. What makes the computer
an extraordinary apparatus is its ability to store and
process a massive amount of information. As
technology continues to progress by leaps and
bounds, it is not surprising that the computer has
been modified into different shapes, with varied
features and a wide range of purposes.
Different Types of Computer

1. Laptop
2. Netbook
3. Personal Digital Assistant / Smartphone
4. Desktop
5. Personal Computer (PC)
6. Workstation
7. Mainframe
8. Supercomputer
9. Server
10.Wearable Computer
It gets its name from the fact that you can keep it on
your lap and use it. It is also called a Notebook because
you can carry the battery-operated device to classes or
meetings conveniently and store any notes or information in
it. It integrates the monitor, keyboard, touchpad, CPU,
memory, hard drive and other hardware in one system.
This is similar to a laptop, the only difference being that
it is smaller in size which makes it even more portable. It is
also less expensive but its system hardware are not as
powerful compared to desktop or laptop.
Personal Digital Assistant / Smartphone
Personal Digital Assistant is small computer: it is light,
portable, has good battery life and fits within your palm. It is
also called a palmtop / handheld computers.
Computer that is designed to be placed on a desk.
Computer that is compose of different separated parts such
as system unit, monitor, mouse, keyboard and others.
Personal Computer or PC
- A very common type of computer that is affordable for
most computer users. Personal computers are any type of
computer that are intended to be operated directly by an
end user for personal or own use.
A computer intended to be used for office-task or work-
The biggest and most expensive type of computer,
which can process trillions of instructions per second.
Supercomputer are at the frontline in terms of processing
capabilities. They are mainly used in scientific and
engineering computations
The second biggest type of
computer. Mainframe computers
have the capability to process
millions of instructions in seconds
and are capable of retrieving billions
of data. Unlike supercomputers,
mainframe are usually used for
transaction processing.

IBM System z9 Mainframe Computer

The main purpose of server is to provide certain
services to other computers or a whole network of
computers. It has powerful processors, additional amount of
memory and bigger hard drives.
Wearable Computer
A wearable computer is any small technological device
capable of storing and processing data that can be worn on
the body.
History of Computer at a Glance
• The term computer came from the word compute.

• The earliest data processing equipment were all

manual devices. Abacus is considered as the
earliest computing device.
A Chinese abacus (the number represented in the picture is 6,302,715,408).
But out of more human needs, early computing devices
can no longer satisfy the new demands for highly
complicated and repetitive tasks of calculations.
The following are the important landmarks of the
computer revolution.
In 1930’s:
• Z1 Computer invented by Konrad Zuse considered as
the first freely programmable computer.

Replica of the Z1 Computer

The following are the important landmarks of the
computer revolution.
In 1930’s:
• ABC / Atanasoff-Berry Computer invented by
John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry considered as
first automatic electronic digital computer.

Replica of the ABC

The following are the important landmarks of the
computer revolution.
In 1940’s:
• Harvard Mark I also known as Mark I, developed
by Howard Aiken considered as automated general-
purpose calculator in 1944.

Mark I
The following are the important landmarks of the
computer revolution.

In 1940’s:
• ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Calculator), the first programmable electronic
general-purpose digital computer developed by
John Mauchly and Presper Eckert, used in World
War II to calculate the capacity tables for new
Glen Beck (background) and Betty Snyder (foreground) program ENIAC. (U.S.
Army photo, ca. 1947-1955)
The following are the important landmarks of the
computer revolution.

In 1950’s:
• UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer)
developed by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert ,
first general-purpose electronic digital computer
design for robot business application and
considered as the first general-purpose
commercial computer.
UNIVAC I at Franklin Life Insurance Company
Four Basic Elements of Computer

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Data and Information
4. User
Computer Hardware
- is the electronic and mechanical part of
the computer.

- is referring to the physical equipment of

a computer system.
The four kinds of hardware:

a. Input hardware - input devices are used to enter data or

instructions into a computer.
b. Output hardware - output devices are used to present information to
the user.

c. Storage hardware – provides permanent and temporary storage of

information and programs.

d. System Hardware - exists within the system unit of the computer.

Input Hardware
1. Mouse
2. Keyboard
Output Hardware
1. Monitor / Screen
2. Projector
Storage Hardware
1. HDD
2. SSD
3. USB Flash Drive
System Hardware
1. Motherboard
2. CPU
3. Power Supply
- is set of instructions that direct the
computer to process information. These
instructions are called programs -- control
the operation of computer.

- the intangible parts: data and computer

- general term of the various kinds of
programs such as Photoshop, Corel
Draw, Auto CAD, MS Office, Windows
Operating System, etc.
Categorization of Software
1. Application Software
2. System Software

Application Software
- Also called as Applications, program that tells the
computer how to accomplish a specific task.

Application software includes games, word

processing packages, database software, and
graphic packages and the like.
Application Software

MS Office Snap Shot

Google Meet
Google Classroom
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
System Software
- it keeps all the hardware and application software

- it controls the operation of the entire computer

system; including its devices, example Operating
System (OS).

Operating System is a set of programs that

coordinates all activities among computer hardware
devices and allows users to run application software.
System Software
Windows 7
Windows 10
User – the one who operates and gives instruction to
the computer system.

Data and Information

 Data – consists of raw facts which the computer

can manipulate and process into information.
 Information – the output of the data that has been
processed by the computer that is useful to people.

• Cisco IT Essentials

• The Internet

• Computer System Servicing 1, Jaime D. L. C., et al

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