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By: Anita Basrah

Nurhamdiah Sipahutar
Nurlaila Afni Lubis

 The title of this book is variations and

Functional Varieties of Language written
by Prof. Amrin Saragih , Phd, MA, DTEFL.
This book can be used for the study of
functional language varieties or studies
with the specific purpose of analyzing the
content and context of the discourse. As for
the topic we are discussing is an element of
social context and its realization.
Interpretative Recount

 Social Context
Language and Society are closely related,
there is no language without society and
there is no society without language. So,
language is forms in the society.
 Elements of Social Context
In the perspective of Systemic Functional
Linguistics (SFL) the social context is
constituted by three elements they are;
 Ideology ; is considered as the abstract
factor, the nearest element to language
which is directly related to language -
 Situation ; is considered as the concrete
factor and the element which is in
between the two factors-
 Culture; is considered as the moderate
factor of social context.
 Strength
The Objectives of this book are to provide
students with knowledge of variations and
varieties of language in their context and to
apply the knowledge in analyzing text or
discourses in their social context. The expected
outcome is to develop the students’ skills in
analyzing text by which they can well interpret
and understand the text or language use.
The book explained about social context is very
clear and detail that suitable with our daily life.
 Weakness
The weakness of this book Based on
our RPS there are five elements of
Social context and the references in
RPS have match with the book that
we have reviewed, but we couldn’t
find the five elements itself, we just
found three elements of social
context in this book, namely:
Ideology, Culture and situation.
Evaluative Summation

 As we know the creator of RPS and

this book that we have reviewed is the
same, but in fact the content in RPS
and this book is different, in RPS said
the elements of social context is five
but in the book just three elements. So
It’s need to improve the book more
complete and clearly.

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