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Dhennize Mae Pingol
Bsed 2-A1
What are ‘Affixes’

In English Grammar, an affix is a set

of letters that are added before or the
end of the main word that can change
the meaning of the word.

Main word- Happy

Affix- Un
The new word is- Unhappy

Main word- Hope

Affix- Less
The new word is- Hopeless


Main word- Hope

Affix- Less
The new word is- Hopeless
Types of affixes

There are mainly two types

of affixes.

1. Prefixes
2. Suffixes

In English Grammar, a ‘prefix’ is

a set of letters which we add before the main
word to make a new word that can change
meaning of the word.

Example- un, non, dis, re, sub, etc.


In English grammar, a ‘suffix’is a set of

letters which we add at the end of the main
word to make a new word that can change it
to fit grammatically within the sentence.

Example- ed, en, less, ful, ing, etc.


Example to use prefixes:

Word- Happy
Prefix- Un
New word- Unhappy

Sentence- I am happy.
Sentence with prefix- I am unhappy.

Example to use suffixes:

Word- Talk
Prefix- Ed
New word- Talked

Sentence- She wants to talk to you.

Sentence with prefix- She barely talked to
Activity #1
Directions: choose the proper prefix to complete each word.

Fore- Pre- Re- Un- Dis- Mis- Sub-

1. Mom had to ______ heat the oven to 350* to bake the cake.
2. To help keep the Earth clean, we ____ cycle all of or plastic.
3. I looked over my writing and found a ____ spelled word.
4. Before you take off your shoes, you need to _____ tie them.
5. You may be correct, but I _____ agree with you.
6. We checked the ____ cast before we planned the event.
7. The big, gray _____ marine plunged down into the water.
8. If you want to be ready for something, you need to _____ pare.
9. Make sure you ____ turn the library book on time!
10.I try to be careful but sometimes I make a ___ take.
Activity #2

Directions: Add a prefix or a suffix to each base word below to build a new word.
Remember, you may need to drop an e or change a y to i before adding a suffix. Write
the new word on the line.

Add a Prefix Add a Suffix

1. Un- + aware= _________ 1. Power + -ful = _________

2. Un- + happy= _________ 2. Hope + -less =_________
3. Re- + appear= _________ 3. Taste + -y =_________
4. Dis- + honest= _________ 4. Final + -ly =_________
5. Dis- + trust= ___________ 5. Fever + -ish =___________
Activity #3

Directions: Write the prefix, base word, and suffix for each word below.


1. Unwisely _________ _________ _________

2. Remarkable _________ _________ _________
3. Dishonestly _________ _________ _________
4. Unhappiness _________ _________ _________
5. Unbearably _________ _________ _________
6. Distasteful _________ _________ _________
7. Unlucky _________ _________ _________
8. Unkindness _________ _________ _________
9. Distrustful _________ _________ _________
10. Unhealthy _________ _________ _________

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