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Gabriel Crispino,
Josephine Silipo,
Cristian Talarico,
Cristina Galati and
Mattia Condello
In this work we ● The particular
analyze a lot of point
● The
● Intr representations
oduction: origin a of this comedy
nd contest
● The Plot of
● Literary profile
In the dream of a Humans have no
midsummer night direct awareness of
the events of the influence of the
humans and gods gods
merge Shakespeare's A
Night's Dream is
a comedy of
This play is one of errors.
the first written by
Shakespeare, The plot stems from
presumably in the tradition that in
1595, but also one the midsummer night
of the most people dreamed of
popular, and more
difficult to
Introduction the person they
would marry.
of Midsummer Night’s Dream
THE Marriage Theseus and
First Act
Love triangle starring
Second Act

1. Settings: forest near Athens

2. Quarrel between Oberon
and Titania
3. Flower that possess a
magic love juice
4. Spells
5. Love triangle
Robin finds the two women and brings
them close to their "lovers" before letting
Titania falls in love with Bottom them fall asleep as well. His last act is to
because of the magic potion sprinkle the juice into Lysander's eyes

PLOT Third Act Third Act

Puck, returns to Oberon

A theatre company is reheasing and tells him what has
the theatrical performance to be happened to Titania.
staged at Theseus’ wedding Oberon is overjoyed
that Titania is being
humiliated in this way.
Oberon and
Puck break the
spell and wake
Titania Fourth Act
Return to

the lovers are

awakened by
Fifth Act
OTPlace: palace of Theseus
The play: Pyramus and Thisbe

Various weddings
Real Characters Fantasy Characters
● Lysander
A young man of Athens, in love with Hermia. ● Puck (Robin Goodfellow)
● Demetrius is Oberon’s jester, a mischievous fairy who
A young man of Athens, initially in love with Hermia delights in playing pranks on mortals.
and ultimately in love with Helena.
● Hermia
Egeus’s daughter, a young woman of Athens.
Hermia is in love with Lysander Main Characters of ● Oberon
● Helena Midsummer Night’s The king of the fairies, Oberon is
A young woman of Athens, in love with initially at odds with his wife,
Demetrius. Dream Titania.
● Egeus
Hermia’s father, who brings a complaint
against his daughter to Theseus:
● Titania
● Theseus The beautiful queen of the fairies, Titania
The heroic duke of Athens, engaged to Hippolyta. resists the attempts of her husband,
● Hyppolita Oberon, to make a knight of the young
The legendary queen of the Amazons Indian prince that she has been given.
● Nick Bottom Titania’s brief, potion-induced love for
Nick Bottom
Themes of Midsummer Magic:
Night’s Dream uses magic
both to
embody the
Dreams: power of love
dreams, in how events (symbolized by
occur without
explanation, time loses its
Love’s the love potion)
and to create a
normal sense of flow, and surreal world.
the impossible occurs as a
matter of course

Jealousy: Appearance and Reality: The idea

The theme of jealousy operates in that things are not necessarily what
both the human and fairy realms. they seem to be is at the heart of A
Jealousy plays out most obviously Midsummer Night's Dream, and in the
among the quartet of Athenian lovers, very title itself.A dream is not real, even
who find themselves in an increasingly
though it seems so at the time we
tangled knot of misaligned desire.
experience it
Literature profile
The title:
1. - Dream= indicates the awareness of '' I am ''
2. - Midsummer refers to Dante, when he says
"Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita",
because while Dante was about 35 years old
Shakespeare when he published the work in
1595 he was about 30. Therefore the
midsummer of his life. In A Midsummer
Night's Dream Shakespeare uses rhetorical
models, parallels, puns and classical allusions.
3. - That of the fairies, where songs, nursery
rhymes and magic formulas predominate;
4. - That of lovers, where the rhymes of the lyric
of love reign, used above all for tireless
5. - That of the artisans, who speak in prose
often interrupted by an awkward parody of
the most noble lines.
Some of the A lion may well have
his say , when there

most famous are so many donkeys

around to thell them

what your Love looks not with the
awakening eye eyes, but with the mind,
will see your true And therefore is winged
love will become Cupid painted blind.
Some film inspired by the story ...


USA 1968

Michael USA

Hoffman Peter

And music ...

1843 1999

Felix Mendelsshon Simon Boswell

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