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Non Surgical Management
Prescribe new eyeglasses Use of specialized tints may
reduce glare, and brighter
or contact lenses to correct illumination can improve the
vision. contrast of reading material.

Pupillary dilation, achieved either No known pharmacologic

pharmacologically or by laser treatments can eliminate or
pupilloplasty, may improve visual function
by allowing more light to pass through slow progression of
peripheral portions of the lens. cataracts.

Aldose reductase inhibitors, which block Antioxidants such as zinc and

the conversion of glucose to sorbitol, have beta carotene and vitamins E and
been shown to prevent cataracts in
animals with experimentally induced C do not slow cataract
diabetes mellitus. progression.
Indications for Cataract Surgery
Common indication for Cataract Surgery
Patient’s desire for improved vision (visual function)

Assess the degree of lens opacity affects vision & determine

whether surgery will improve the patient’s quality of life?

Patient’s expectation
Indications for Cataract Surgery
Elderly person Monocular cataract
• Spectacle independence, decrease • Loss of stereopsis, diminished
frequency of falls & hip fractures  peripheral vision, disabling glare,
reduce morbidity & mortality symptomatic anisometropia

Bilateral cataract
• Performs 1st in the eye with the more advance
• In severe systemic illness/other ocular diseases
contributing ti decreased vision: appropriate to
operate 1st on the eye with better visual potential
• Other strategies: facilitate patient adaption include
on the dominant eye/more ametropic eye first
Other Indication for Cataract Surgery


Phacolytic glaucoma Presence of cataract obscure the

view of the fundus & impair
Phacomorphic glaucoma diagnosis or management of other
ocular diseases (Diabetic
Phacoantigenic uveitis Retinopathy, Macular degeneration
Lens dislocation or glaucoma)

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