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The most cultural

Italy, United in 1861, Has Significantly
contributed to the cultural,and social
Develop ment of the
entire Mediterranean area… Manand
civilizations have existed there since
pre historic times.,,,,,
Culturally and linguisticaly, the origin
Italian history can be traced back to the 9
century BC, when earliest accounts date the
presence ofItalic tribes in modern central
italy. Linguistically they are divided into 
Oscans,  Umbrians and  Latins.
In the lAAte-19th century and early 20th
century, or Tthe new Kingdom of Italy, the
Country built a colonial empire, colonizing
parts of Africa, and Countries along the
Mediterranean. Italy suffered enormoUus
Losses in World War I but came out on the
winning side. The Fascists, led by BenitO
Mussolini, took over and set up an
authoritarian dictatorship 1922-43.
THe name Italy (Italia) is an ancient nam for
the country and people of Southern Italy.
Mythological roots of the name datee backk to
a legendary ancient king named 'Italus', though
a more likely origin may be from ancient Oscan
VÍTELIÚ, meaning "land of young cattle", as
Italy was a land rich in cattle since ancient
times. The name italia was imposed upon the
Roman Republic by the conquering Italic tribes
of the contemporary Abruzzo regionee,
centering in the areya of Corfinium (corfinio).
A culture that is identifiably and certainly Etruscan
developed in Italy after about 800 BC aproximaly
over the range of the preceding Iron Age Villanovan
culture. The latter gave way in the 5th century to an
increasingly orientalizing cultur that was
influencd also by Grek neighbors in Magna Graecia,
the Hellenic civilization of southern Italy. The
Etruscans are generalliy believed to have spoken a
non-Indo-European language or an ancient anatolic
language (Luvio).Some inscriptions (500 BC) in a
similar Etruscan language have been found on the
Egean island of Lemnos. Etruscans were a
monogamous society that emphasized pairing. The
historical Etruscans had achieved a state system of
society, with remnants of the chiefdom and tribal
The Italian Renaissance is best known for its cultural
achievements. Accounts of Renaissance literature
usually begin with Petrarch (best known for the
elegantly polished vernacular sonnet sequence of the
Canzoniere and for the craze for book collecting that
he initiated) and his friend and contemporary
Boccaccio (author of the Decameron). Famous
vernacular poets of the 15th century include the
renaissance epic authors Luigi Pulci (Morgante),
Matteo Maria Boiardo (Orlando Innamorato), and
Ludovico Ariosto (Orlando Furioso). 15th century
writers such as the poet Poliziano and the Platonist
philosopher Marsilio Ficino made extensive
translations from both Latin and Greek.
The first part of the Renaissance saw almost constant warfare on
land and sea as the city-states vied for preeminence. On land, these
wars were primarily fought by armies of mercenaries known as
condottieri, bands of soldiers drawn from around Europe, but
especially Germany and Switzerland, led largely by Italian
captains. The mercenaries were not willing to risk their lives
unduly, and war became one largely of sieges and maneuvering,
occasioning few pitched battles. It was also in the interest of
mercenaries on both sides to prolong any conflict, to continue their
employment. Mercenaries were also a constant threat to their
employers; if not paid, they often turned on their patron. If it
became obvious that a state was entirely dependent on mercenaries,
the temptation was great for the mercenaries to take over the
running of it themselves—this occurred on a number of occasions.
to be Minister of Economics, policies were
mostly in line with classical liberalism
(suppression of inheritance and luxury tax,
suppression of taxes on foreign capital;[42]
life insurance transferred to private
enterprises in 1923,[43]…….. state
monopoly on telephones and matches was
abandoned, etc.). However, this policy did
not contradict seemingly opposite-minded
ones: various banking and industrial
companies were financially supported by
the state. One of Mussolini's first acts was

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