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Stress Management

Presented by:-RISHI SHAH

B.Tech CS
2nd year

 What is stress management?

 Types of stress management
 Need of stress management
 Advantages and Disadvantages of stress management
What is stress management?

 It is the amelioration of stress and especially chronic stress often for the
purpose of everyday functioning.
 Stress produces varies symptoms which vary according to persons, situations
and severity. These can include physical health decline and/or depression
Types of stress

Acute stress is usually for short time and may be due to work pressure or
some minor accident, over exertion or increased physical activity.
Symptopms of this types of stress are headaches, back pain, stomach problems,
muscle aches, rapid heart beat or body pain.
It is the most dangerous and prolonging type of stress. Chronic stress has
symptopms lasting upto days, weeks or even years. People suffering from this
type if stress get used to it which makes them neglect it and worsens the
condition of the affected even further.
Need of stress management

 In the past decade, news headlines have made it clear that stress
management should be one of the top agendas of modern day society. The
rages alone like road rage and violent acts in life today prove a lot of it well.
 Living today is a lot tougher than it was even during the time of the great
depression. People are winding up as zombies during busy days. Insomnia is
growing in leaps and bounds.
 Today stress management is important in everybody’s lives. It’s necessary for
long happy lives with less trouble to come about. Thus stress management has
become a skill that man today be it in urban or rural areas needs to survive.
Advantages of stress management

 Improved sleep
 Decreased anxiety
 Decreased use of medications
 Improved productivity
 Increased self control and self esteem
Disadvantages of stress management

 Stress can be a motivator. For example if you’re stressed about an assignment

that is due , this may motivate you to put your very best efforts and complete
it on time. This raises your own standards and pushes you to work harder
under stress.
 While we all experience stress in everyday lives , not everyone handles it in
positive ways. The key for us all is to learn what helps us cope up with stress
in productive ways.

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