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Vedic Period

• Aryans migrated from the W (Caspain and Black Sea) into NW part of
India (around the banks of the Indus and its tributaries)
• Oral tradition and sacrificial rituals, soma drink
• Contains prays, melodies, formulas and incantations
• Caste system (a hierarchical order classified by professions): Brahmin
(priests), Kstriya (Kings), Visya (Merchants) and Sudra
• Vedic means “knowledge” dated between 1200-400 BCE.
• Rgveda “Veda of Verses” is the oldest
• Samaveda “Veda of Melodies”
• Yajurveda “Veda of Ritual Formulas”
• Atharvaveda (name after a rsis)
Vedic Gods
• Devas (gods or divine powers), Asuras (demons)
• 33 in numbers
• Divided into 3 classes: celestial, atmospheric, and
terrestrials (sky, atmosphere or earth)
• Surya (Sun God)
• Indra (Thunder God)-The highest
• Agni (God of Fire)
• Vishnu
Buddhist Architecture

King Asoka
Sanchi Stupa
Bhaja Cave
Kali Cave
King Asoka of Maurya period
• Maurya ca. 322-185 BCE (the Greeks held the power in the
Gandhara region until the death of Alexander the great in 323)
• King Asoka 272-231 BCE; solidified the N and Central India
region by a bloody campaigns and later converted to
• Pillars of Law (Dharma-sthambani)-with inscription of
propaganda and Buddhist teachings
• Asoka’s column at Sarnath-site associated with the First
Sermon; addorsed lions symbolizing the spreading of the
Buddha’s teachings. Lion represents Sakyamuni’s clan.
• wheel (cakra) symbolizes the turning of the wheel of law;
animals (elephant, bull, horse, and lion)
3.4 Lion capital of King Asoka; Polished sandstone, Sarnath
Bull capital from Rampurva, c. 250 BCE
Great Stupa, Sanchi, c. 250 BCE; enlarged and renovated c. 50-25 BCE
• Stupa is a solid memorial mound, enshrining a relic casket containing the
cremated remains of the Buddha, or venerated Buddhist teachers.
• Practitioners circumambulate three times around the stupa
• Sanchi Stupa I (also known as the Great Stupa), dated 1st BCE; built of bricks
and rubbles in a semi-circular shape, symbolizing the World Axis (19.8 meter)
• Toranas (Gates) decorated with reliefs depicting scenes from the Life of the
Buddha and His past lives (jatakas) (35 feet); capital decorated with lion (S),
elephant(N and E) and dwarf (W)
• Railing (vadika) separates the sacred and the profane worlds; imitated wooden
architecture (3.35 m. high)
• Chattra (umbrella)-symbolizes the Buddha, Dharma (teachings) and Sangha
• Note: no depicted of the Buddha in Human form; used symbols such
as foot print , empty throne, lotus pedestal
Sanchi Stupa I
• Asoka period
• Stupa is a relic mound; plan is swastika shape
• Toranas: two up right pillars (S-lion; N and E-elephant:
• Jatakas: Buddha past lives; 550 animals and human lives
• Note: no images of the Buddha was depicted; use only
symbols such as footprint, lotus flower, an empty throne.
Eastern torana
• Female figures (Yakshinis; male is called
yakshas) on the brackets symbolizes tree
goddesses; pre-Buddhist spirits associate
with the generative or productive forces of
nature, water, and strength of the inner
Yakshi bracket figure from the east gate, 60”
Northern gate
Detail of bracket on the easternn gate
Detail of bracket of the eastern gate
Detail of bracket on the eastern gate
Chaitaya and Vihara
• Stupa for circumambulation
• Chaitaya is a congregation hall
• Vihara is a residential hall
• Bhaja Cave, Shunga period, c. 1st century BCE
• Karli Cave , c. Early 2nd century CE
• Ajanta Caves (462-500) during the reign of King Hindu King
Harishena of the Vakataka period

• Rock-cut caves
• Mural painting: moist coat of lime over layers of clay, cow
dung, and other elements
3.8 Chaitya at Romas Rishi Cave and Bhaja Cave, Late Shunga, c. 1st BCE
3.9-10 Chaitya Hall ar Karli, Early 2nd century CE
3.9 Karli Cave, Early 2nd CE
Kushan (30-320 CE and Later
Andhra (1st CE-320 CE)
• Kushana: were nomadic Caucasians from Central
Asia; King Kanishka (early 2nd C) extended the
empire; Buddhist art has combinations of
Hellenistic, Persians and Mauraya styles.
• Buddhist art were produced in 2 major styles:
Gandhara (influenced by Hellenistic style) and
Mathura (indigenous Indian)
Buddha images
• Hands (mudras): meditation (Dhyanamudra), First
Sermon (dharmacakramudra), Earth-touching
hand gesture (bhumisparsamudra)
• Legs (asana): folded one on top of the other
• Positions: sitting, standing and reclining
• Urna: tuft of hair between the eyebrows
• Usnisa: sign of great man (32 major
characteristics and 80 minor characteristics)
3.12 Kanishka I, Kushana Period, c. 120 CE (1.62 m)
3.11 Seated Buddha, Gandhara, 2nd century CE. Schist
First Sermon
3.14 Bamiyan Buddha, Afganistan, 2nd-5th century CE, destroyed in 2001
• Buddha-to-be who remain on earth to help all of the
beings into paradise (“those who have bodhi, wisdom or
enlightenment,’ also known as “buddhas -in the making”
• Wear jewelry and holds attributes
• Maitreya Bodhisattva (Future Buddha)
• Avalokistesvara Bodhisattva (Bodhisattva of
Compassion); he resided in the Western paradise of
Buddha Amitabha (Buddha of infinite light, space and
• Read detail in O’Reiley page 66
Maitreya Buddha, Gandhara, 1st-2nd
3.13 Bodhisattva Padmapani, Cave 1, Ajanta c. late 5th CE

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