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Class Policies


1. The students are responsible to monitor all postings from the platform that is
agreed upon to be used.
2. The students are expected to spent time studying the uploaded lectures and do
all the activities required to be done.
3. Students are responsible for completing all requirements by due date and time
and submission will be done through google classroom only. Assignments and
deadlines must be strictly observed. Submission of assignment after 3 days, will
not be given any grade. Extra time for submission of requirements will be given
for students who can show medical proof of sickness only.

4. Integrity statement will be required of the student, duly signed by them, to

indicate that they accomplished the tasks assigned, on their own. That is cheating
and plagiarism of other’s work must be avoided.
6. Quizzes and major exams are announced and to be done online. It will also be a
timed online exam. Alternative assessment will be given, when online conduct of
examination is not possible, due to unstable internet connections.

1. Read syllabus line-by-line

2. Set up a good working space. It is important that the place is
quiet, clear and free from distractions.
3. Study more than you would for campus course-online
courses are harder and more intense
4. Self-discipline is key
5. Stay ahead of the game – don’t wait until the last minute.
6. Have a back-up plan for internet issues such as computers.

1. Check your internet connection and your devices before the start of the online class.
2. Find a quiet and comfortable place to study and keep your things nearby.
3. Dress appropriately. No wearing of shorts, sleeveless, topless hen attending the virtual class
4. Turn off your microphone when someone is speaking or when it is not yet your turn to speak
5. Turn on your camera so that your teacher and classmates can see you.

1. Pay attention while your teacher is discussing, or while your classmate is speaking.
2. Be respectful avoid doing things that may disrupt your teacher and classmates.
3. Use the chat box appropriately. Post your comments or questions that are only related to the lesson
4. Participate actively. Answer when your teacher calls your name.
5. Be safe online. DO not give your password and your personal information to anyone.

1. Show respect for each student and his or her family.

2. Provide meaningful and appropriate activities, assignments and quizzes.
3. Provide a consultation time for the students to use for any inquiry regarding the lessons.
4. Provide feedback on the progress. Guide students in their instruction with regular and timely feedback.

1. Make efficient use of learning time.

2. Demonstrate professional behavior and positive attitude
3. Build on-line learning skills.
4. Show flexibility and leniency.
Total: 100%


Major Examinations 20%

Quizzes 40%
Attendance 10%
Activities 20%
Seatwork/Recitation 10%
Total 100%
Midterm Period: 30% from Preliminary Grade
Final Period: 60% from Midterm Grade

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