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Generate A Business Idea
That Relates With A
Career Choice In
Technical Drafting
By: Jowelyn B. Maderal
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At t condu
ct SWO
to: analys T

evaluate using
SWOT analysis
generate potential
business idea based
on SWOT analysis

 Divide the class into two groups
 In a long bond paper, draw a logo that you will use in your
business. Provide a simple statement to describe your logo.
 Each group will choose a representative to explain the group’s


Tagline :
What have you notice of our activity,what is it all about?

Do we really need to conduct SWOT analysis before venturing

a business? Why?

In what way a technical drafting relates into business?

How do you plan to start your business?

s f o r:
s t and

S- Strength W- Weakness

O- Opportunities T- Threat
ng th
S tre

 What are your unique skills?

 What expert or specialized knowledge
do you have?
 What experience do you have?
 What do you do better than your
ea k ne ss

 What resources do you lack?

 What parts of your business are not profitable?
 Where do you need further education and/or
 What costs you time and/or money?
 In what areas do you need to improve?
n i t ie s

 How can you use technology to enhance your business?

 Are there new target audiences you have the potential
to reach?
 Are there related products and services that provide an
opportunity for your business?
 How can you do more with your existing customers or

What obstacles do you face?

What are the strengths of your biggest competitors?
What are your competitors doing that you're not?
What's going on in the economy?
What's going on in the industry?

An aspiring entrepreneur plans to have a

simple business that offers both product and
services, he is about to plan for a food delivery
using technology. In his business he has to plan
carefully all of his steps in acquiring such
business. Upon thinking about it, he has to start
with developing his own SWOT analysis involving
himself as well as the other factor that he may
Strength Weaknesses

Good reputation among local community Modest advertising community

Opportunities Threats

Potential for growth via food delivery

apps/technology Rising cost of ingredients
How to conduct SWOT Analysis:

 Be realistic about the strength and weaknesses of your business

when conducting SWOT analysis
 SWOT analysis should distinguish between where your
business is today, and where it can be in the future.
 SWOT analysis should always be specific. avoid any gray
 Always apply SWOT analysis in relation to your competition, i.e.
better than or worse than your competition.
How to conduct SWOT Analysis:

 Keep your SWOT analysis short and simple.

Avoid complexity and over analysis.
 SWOT analysis is subjective.
v ity
A c me
For Group 1,In a long bond paper write down the factors to
be consider in planning a business using SWOT analysis. You
may use a graphic organizer.
You will pick a group representative to explain your work or
your output.

For Group 2, the group will draw that represent the word
SWOT. You will pick a group representative to explain your
work or your output.
Directions: Read and analyze well the following sentences. Write TRUE if the
statement is CORRECT and FALSE if it is INCORRECT.
_______1. Business environment does not give a positive outcome to one’s
_______2. Knowing one’s SWOT analysis helps build the best business idea
that provides greatest possible chances for success.
_______3. In conducting SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses shall be
realistic and it requires an honest information.
_______4. The flow of the market in a certain environment is unimportant in
formulating a great business idea.
_______5. Wants more important than needs.
B. Answer the following briefly:
Why is it important to conduct SWOT analysis before starting a

List down the most effective

business for a Technical Drafting

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