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Techniques in Teaching English For Children

Presented By:
Erika Ayu Anggraeni (1801072012)
Fretia Meisella (1801070030)
Mela Dwi Rahayu (1801070043)
Mita Lestari (1801071038)
Monica Yolanda Sari (1801072022)
Class/Semester : TBI-B/ VI
Definision of young learners

 Philips (2002) revealed that young learners are the children

from the first year of formal school (five or six years old) to
eleven of twelve years of age. Scott (2009) points out young
learners are divided into level one (5-7 years old) and level
two (8-9 years old). Based on the level of class, Ytreberg
(1993) divided young learners into two groups: lower class
(students are in the 1, 2 and 3 grade), and upper class
(students are in the 4, 5 and 6 grade). Based on the
explanation above, it is concluded that kindergarten students
are categorized at level one (5-7 years old).
The characteristic of young learner

Philips (2002) revealed that young learners are the

children from the first year of formal school (five or six
years old) to eleven of twelve years of age. Scott (2009)
points out young learners are divided into level one (5-7
years old) and level two (8-9 years old). Based on the
level of class, Ytreberg (1993) divided young learners
into two groups: lower class (students are in the 1, 2 and
3 grade), and upper class (students are in the 4, 5 and 6
grade). Based on the explanation above, it is concluded
that kindergarten students are categorized at level one (5-
7 years old).
Activities with Songs

 . However, some activities work better with young

learners than with older ones. “Listen and repeat” (Scott
and Ytreberg, 1991) and “Listen and do” (Sevik, 2012:
10) such as listenand draw, mime, dance, point, match,
and color are types of activities that work well with
young learners. Murphey (1992: 17) states that young
learners will enthusiastically accept any kind of songs. It
all depends on teacher’s imagination.

 Set the context

 Use visual aids to introduce new vocabulary
 Play or sing the song to familiarize students with it.
 Do further listening activity.
 Practice pronunciation (intonation, rhythm and stress).
 Encourage students to join in and do actions or mime. Repeat the song
several times.
 Give students written text of the song. The text can further be used for
multiple activities, such as: gap-fill, listen and
 sequence, illustrate, match pictures with line, etc.
 Invite students to compare the song with a similar one in their own language.
 Sing the song with the whole class
The teaching techniques used by the teachers in teaching
English to young learners

Singing songs
Playing games
Playing games
Reading aloud

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