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The Possibilities for Critical Discourse Analysis in Music Education

Brent C. Talbot


KEY: T=teacher, S=student, (.)=pause, (.02)=length of time between utterances, ­¯=rising and falling
vocal inflection, <comments>=interactional behavior, CAPS=emphasized syllables or words.

1. T: Xavier (.) Why did you stop playing ¯

(.02) <raises eyebrows, turns palms up>
2. S: Because this piece is GAY <rolls eyes, shifts position in seat, looks behind him>
(.01) <teacher’s eyes narrow, tilts head>
3. T: I will remind you, that IN this class (.)
4. your grade is dependent on participation.
5. AND (.) if you don’t par ­ ticiPATE ¯ (.)
6. you will earn a zero for the day.
7. IF this continues ­ (.)
8. I’ll be happy to have a conversation with you and your parents again/
9. about the expectations for participating in this group.
(.03) <some students look at Xavier, others look at the music stand and
floor, others appear to not be interested in the exchange. The
teacher and Xavier stare at one another>
10. T: measure 69! <students snicker, teacher raises hands to begin conducting>
(.21) <ensemble performs 4 phrases of music from m. 69. Xavier stops
performing, teacher stares at Xavier intensely, while continuing to
conduct. Teacher stops ensemble with a cutoff gesture.
11. T. why is it SO difficult for you to play with the rest of US!
12. S. because this song SUCKS/
13 Why can’t we play ­ GOOD music ¯ (.)


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