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If you are a good person, you will do good things, and to be good, you
must do good.

 Virtue ethics is a moral theory that focuses on the development of virtuous

character. In essence, we don’t do good things because of an analysis of the
end result, rather we do good things because of the good character we’ve
demonstrated through our life.
Types of virtues

 Executive virtues e.g. courage and perseverance

 Moral virtues e.g. compassion and truthfulness

 Intellectual virtues e.g. wisdom and understanding

Application of virtue ethics to ICT

 Virtue ethics helps to align moral behaviors of individuals with privileged

access to sensitive information with that of the company, an understanding of
virtue ethics can be used by organizations to assess and influence the ethical
intentions of information system trusted workers.
 The expectations of using virtue ethics in ICT is to better understand the
personality and motivations of individuals who pose an insider threat by
providing a conceptual analysis of character traits which influence the ethical
behavior of trusted workers and ultimately information system security.
Example of the application of virtue
ethics in ICT
 When an individual with internal access to sensitive company documents
violates the company policy/protocol, and intrudes on sensitive files, virtue
ethics can be a means to justify the intentions of this individual by carefully
studying the trend of his/her behavior or characteristics form employment till
present and also detect if this individual has been influenced by another
colleague in question.

 NSU Florida, CEC student and Alumni Proceedings, Presentation, Speech and
lectures(Development of virtue ethics based security construct for
information systems trusted workers).
 Virtue ethics WIKIPEDIA(the internet)
 Ethical theories main PDF(unkown)

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